I killed him

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Hey so sorry to hit this off with a major banger like this but the prompt was the whole reason I started this book soooo 🤷‍♀️ warning: major character death
Oh and also, song is unrelated. I just like it lol

DI Greg Lestrade paced back and forth in the small room. On lookers held steely faces through the one way glass, watching the situation unfold. Sherlock sits at the metal table, looking completely unfazed by the past events. This doesn't help the DIs anxiety at all. Greg runs a hand down his face, taking in a deep breath.

"Where is John Watson?" He says, looking sherlock directly in the eyes. Sherlock look back, deadpan.

"I killed him."

~~~~~a week prior~~~~~

(Sherlock pov)

I wake up to the smell of breakfast cooking. John must be up already. I hesitantly get out of my comfy bed and get ready for whatever the ahead day has
In store for me.

Slipping into the kitchen, John notices me. "G' morning Sherlock." He says, sleep still weighing heavy in his voice. It sends shivers up my spine. You see, I've come to realized that my feeling for John recently have been... less than innocent so to speak. Just being in his presence makes my heart flutter. Yes, I have feeling for John, but he will never know that. No, not as long as I'm alive. Feelings complicate things. Slow the mind. Get in the way. And even if that were not a problem, the feeling would never be mutual. Johns gone on dates with more women that I can count in my hands, but I couldn't even name a time he's shown interest in a man.

"Earth to Sherlock," John says, waving his hand in my face. "You awake yet there?" He giggles, a goofy smile on his face. I feel my cheeks heat a bit as I'm pulled back to reality.

"Yes yes, never mind that." I state, raising my hand to dismiss. I move to head into the living room when I feel johns hand wrap around my wrist. I redden even more.

"Where do you think you're going, huh? I made breakfast and you-" he pushes me into a chair and the table and I groan, "are going to eat some of it!" He finishes, speaking in a no nonsense tone. I know there's no way out of this.

"John, why must you always insist I do such trivial things?" I try anyway.

"For one, eating is not trivial-"

"That's a matter of opinion..." I mutter under my breath.

"Ah ah-! Let me finish. Eating us a basic human need sherlock. And last I checked, you haven't eaten in at least a full day. So, as both your friend and your doctor, you will not be leaving this kitchen until you finish one plate full of food." John finishes his rant with the drop of a plate on the table.

"But jaawwwwnnnnn-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"No buts, the more time you sit here not eating is less time you have to enjoy a little surprise I have for you." I raise an eyebrow in his direction but he doesn't continue. He just giggle and tells me to eat.

The gull of this man sometimes. Telling me what to do. Like I'm some dumb kid or something... I continue to grumble to myself as I finish up breakfast.


"I see you've finished breakfast. Cmon, throw on your coat! This is gunna be great!" John exclaims, clearly excited about the day hes planned. I must admit, I am too. Any day I'm with John is a good day, despite how dull the activity.

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