Anderson, you ignorant slut!

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A/n ok so this is based off a comment I made somewhere but I won't type it all out here since it would have spoilers. Also if you get the reference in the title I'll love you forever.

Oh and also, this has literally nothing to do with johnlock. Ok enjoy!!

"Hey Anderson, we have a body on 21st street." Sally says to me, peaking through the doorway to the morgue.

"I'll be there in a minute, wait for me?" I reply with a wink and a smirk. Her returning giggle makes it all worth it.(I'm literally about to barf but I'll all be worth it in the end ✊😤)

"You got it." She smiles back towards me as she leaves. Damn is she hot. I could make some sweet sweet music with a ass- not right now Anderson. We have a body to examine. Can't be having everyone think we get off on bodies like the freak does. I grab my jacket and medical case (🤷‍♀️) and am out of the station in record time.

~~~~(le tim skipp)~~~~

After a very hot and flirtatious car ride (🤢🤮) I find myself at the scene of the crime. DI lestrade shows me the way to the body, in the middle of a very open subway station. I put on a pair of gloves, set down my bag, and crouch the exams the body. The man is extremely pale, as with most dead people, and has no pulse, also a very sure sign of a dead man.

"Well, he's obviously dead." I state and see Sally give me a thumbs up from the other corner of the room. As I'm relishing in the glory the freak and his little boy toy walk in. Ugh.

"Actually, there's a small correction I'd like to make to your prognosis 'mEdIcAl ExAmInEr AnDeRsOn'." Sherlock says in an extremely mocking tone and everyone laughs. He then proceeds to walk over to the body and... kick it? He's clearly lost his- and the body gets up...

"He is clearly just a very pale drunk man. Really Anderson, where did you get your medical license?" Everyone is laughing at me again. Stop laughing at me!! Can't you tell he's a freak! Why don't you all hate him?!? And now Sally is laughing at me?!???!?

"Anderson, you ignorant slut, your fired!" DI Lestrade says to me.

"W-wait-!" I start but he just talks over me.

"In fact, Dr. Watson, would you like Anderson's old job?" He says, completely ignoring me.

"Why of course, seeing as how there's a sudden opening." He says, looking at me with a smirk.

"No.. NOOOO!!!" I scream, sitting up with a startle. Oh.. oh thank GOD! It was just a dream. A very VERY bad dream...

Suddenly I hear a buzzing from beside me. It's my phone. Notifications are going off one after another. I pick it up and bring it to my face for a better look.

Suck it.

Suck it.

Suck it.

Suck it.

Suck it.

Suck it.

Suck it.

Suck it.

Suck it.

Suck it.

Suck it.

Suck it.

... shit

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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