Chapter 3: Psycho Murdering Werewolf

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I felt my breath catch in my throat. My mind was definitely playing tricks on me as it showed me the man who was supposedly my mate.

Pounding my chest and letting out a sound that could only be described as a squawk from a dying duck, I gaped at him.

"Mate," He whispered, and I caught the deep timbre of his voice.


Alpha Aiden.

The Alpha of the Oaks Pack.

He's my mate.

The Alpha who's known for killing people if they hover around him too long. The fricking Alpha who planned on kidnapping my brother's mate if he didn't find his own.

Who wanted a mate? I did. Who got a mate? I did. Who got an evil mate? Ding-ding-ding ladies and gents... I did.

My title as master of bad luck was certainly showing itself to be true.

Alpha Aiden kept his eyes on me while my brother and his mate's eyes shifted between the pair of us and waited for the scene to playout.

Emery grinned, Thane growled, Alpha Dickhead didn't even blink and Beta Lucas looked rather agitated.

"You're mates with my little sister?" Thane seethed accusingly at Alpha Aiden as my mate slowly blinked before turning to Thane with a hard expression.

Oh, oh... this can't lead to anything good.

"She's my mate, what do you expect me to do?" Alpha Aiden growled through clenched teeth.

I frowned at his tone. I didn't know him, but he sounded almost accusatory. As if he wasn't expecting these turns of events and wasn't too pleased.

Maybe I was being pessimistic?

Don't judge a book and all that...

Alpha Aiden took a step in my direction and while my head said one thing, my legs were saying another as I shifted and mirrored his movements. There was an intense pull between us that screamed at me to go to him and his movements conveyed that he was feeling it as well.

However, my brother, being the dipshit that he is, stepped between us and immediately shoved Aiden back. My instinct to protect my mate was overwhelmingly strong as I growled.

Aiden began to look extremely pissed off and I hurried my strides.

"Thane stop," I seethed at him, but he wasn't even listening.

Emery caught my angry expression as she grabbed Thane's shoulder, "Thane let them be, they're true mates."

"I don't care, he's too damn old for her," Thane growled back.

I snorted behind him. I was two weeks away from eighteen. Only a year and a few months younger than Thane. And certainly not that much younger than a twenty-one-year-old Aiden.

Three years and some difference. Big deal.

Well...unless he turns out to be a psycho killer then my sentiments may change.

"It's the wolf world, Thane, I don't think it matters considering the Moon Goddess paired them together," Emery fought for us.

"He's a killer and I won't allow him to take Tate," Thane was about to push Alpha Aiden back again but Emery wrapped her hands around his arm, and he froze.

"My pack affairs don't concern you and neither does Tate now," Alpha Aiden growled out.

I rolled my eyes so hard I'm not sure how they hadn't fallen out of my head.

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