Chapter 6: What The Actual Flying...

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I scold at Aiden's back as he thanked my dad for letting him and his pack stay a day longer on our territory.

We haven't spoken since last night and honestly, I never imagined that when I met my mate, I'd be friend-zoned and jealous.

"And thanks again for the book, Mr. Blackwood," Aiden said gratefully to my father as he gestured to the book in his hands.

"No problem at all, son. Just be sure to bring it back next time you visit," My dad patted him on the back.


When they even get time to bond? I haven't even been able to have more than two proper conversations with him.

"I will," Aiden assured him before heading towards the plane.

My parents' attention landed on me and I could see the tears welling up in my mom's eyes as she pulled me into her arms, "Make sure and call and let us know you got there safely."

Dad joined in and squished me between them both, "And call every day after that. Also, don't forget to come back home for Christmas."

I bit back my laugh and revelled in their warm embrace one last time until who knows when.

"I'll try my best," I said as I pulled away and gave them a watery smile. "Tell everyone I'll miss them," I squeezed my mom's hand and she nodded as she brushed away some tears.

I hadn't gotten the chance to say goodbye to Emery and Thane since they snuck off to start their honeymoon early and it was ten in the morning. I'm pretty sure they weren't leaving their new house anytime soon anyways.

"You take care of yourself okay and remember if your chest-"

"I know mom, I got it handled," I assured her before giving her a kiss on the cheek and turning away before I ran back into the car and floored it back to the packhouse to hide from Aiden.

His eyes followed my every movement as I walked to the plane.

"Are you alright?" He asked in a gruff tone.

I nodded, "Just peachy."

He narrowed his eyes at me but didn't say much else as he stepped aside for me to walk up the ramp to the plane.

Inside I noted three other pack members from Aiden's pack sitting in the designated passenger seats that ran across both sides of the plane. Two other wolves from my own pack were upfront in the cockpit.

The three from Aiden's pack was sitting to the left, so I opted to sit across from. Unluckily for me, Aiden took the seat beside me.

As I buckled in, I realized that Aiden hadn't taken the opportunity to introduce me to his pack, so I shot them all a smile.

"Hey, I'm Tate, sorry I haven't introduced myself yet."

From the three of them, there were two guys and a girl. One of the guys had a sharp edge to him as if he was ready to bite off the head of anyone who breathed too close to him.

And of course, he was the first to address me as he assessed me with calculating eyes, "Oh, we know exactly who you are Luna."

He might as well have held up a sign saying 'I don't like you' because judging by his tone and expression, he certainly didn't.

When he turned away, Aiden growled at him, "Paul, shut up before I kick you off the plan and make you run back home."

Paul shrunk back in his seat after Aiden made his threat crystal clear.

"It's okay," I shrugged but neither of them looked at me.

"It isn't," Aiden persisted as he started fastening his belt. "Tate is to be treated with respect as Luna. Is that clear?"

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