The Next Morning

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Marisol's POV
I woke up again, I looked over at my alarm and saw that I was only asleep for a few minutes, from the last time I dozed off. I quickly felt that warmth that made me doze off in the first place. I come to the conclusion that I'll just keep dozing off if I don't get up, but I don't want to honestly. I try to will myself to get up from my bed, but the first two times I fail, then the third time I succeed, but wake up Mikey in the process. Aww, that's sucks I wanted to see what his dumb, cute face looks like while he's sleeping. He slowly gets up, and rubs his eyes. He smiles and tells me, "Good Morning" in a tired, yet energetic tone. "Morning!" I almost shout at him, realizing that he shirtless! I quickly realized that he was probably hot yesterday because I hide the remote to my AC. I usually do this because my mom likes to change the temperature while she's cleaning. I start feeling my face get hotter and hotter, I can see him stare at me, and then I see that he starts blushing as red as me. He quickly picks up his shirt that he neatly folded on my night stand, and puts it on. "Sorry!, I j-just—it was that it was pretty hot in here yesterday and I didn't want to sweat all over your be—" I just went for it, his reaction it was priceless. I pull him over to me and he lands on top of me. At this point we're both looking at each other, blushing as red as a pair of freshly picked tomatoes. "You're too adorable, Mikey" I whisper to him, he smiles at me then says, "You're too clever Marisol, you know how to make me blush every single time I'm with you" he whispers to me, as he kisses me. I love this feeling, that I uniquely always have with Mikey. As we're kissing I hear someone walk into my room, "Mija, que quieres para desayuno?(My daughter, what do you want for breakfast?)" I hear my mom ask me. Crap! We both stop kissing, and look at mom. "LO SABIA! Mija, estoy tan orgullosa de ti!(I KNEW IT! My daughter, I'm so proud of you!)." We both blushed so hard, that we practically had fevers. "Bueno, yo los voy a deist que hagan lo que hagan, vengan para abajo cuando terminen.(Well, I'll leave you to do what you do, come down when you're done)."

Mikey's POV
I hear Marisol's mom close the door, we both look at each other, fever blushing, we both start laughing, it's just what her mom said!, and the whole situation. How could it not be funny? We stop laughing and stare at each other, "So...." I say. We both dash at each other, and start kissing, still laughing in between kisses. After a few minutes of kissing we stop, at this point also dying of laughter. "Should we head down?" I ask her in a nervous, yet curious tone. "Yeah, we probably should" she answer in a confident tone. We get our thing's together and head downstairs, while we walk down the stairs we hear Marisol's mom talking to her friends on the phone about winning a bet, huh, I WONDER what that's about. We make downstairs and walk to the kitchen, awaiting us there is Marisol's mom, she asks if we want blueberry pancakes for breakfast, we both agree. While we're eating she starts asking, "So, cuando empezo todo esto?(So, when did this all start?)." She asks in a mocking tone, "Not now, Mama!" Marisol tells her mom, almost warning her. Her mom quickly backs off, obviously not wanting to get on her daughter's bad side. I've never personally been on her bad side, but I've seen people on her bad side, it... um, well let's just say it doesn't end well. I mean she's not aggressive, but dang!, she's one soldier at physiological warfare. After finishing I wash my plate, which makes Marisol's mom praise me more. I tell her that I always wash the dishes at my house and that it's no problem. Later, we start getting ready to go to school, we get our stuff I let her use my hoodie since it's pretty cold outside, which is weird it's usually pretty hot in California. I don't put much thought to it, we say bye to Marisol's mom and close the door. We start walking to school and talk about that bet that her mom was talking about and how much she could have made because of it, we talk about how funny and embarrassing the moment was, I make the big decision to hold her hand, and she seemed to like it! We talked about all sorts of things till we got to school, where our friends would greet us, and another school day would begin. Walt and Grace ask us about how they were texting us all night, but we didn't respond, we told them we overslept. When we told them our response, we all heard Lorenzo say, "My black ass!"(I'm so sorry if that's offensive, it's like his catch phrase in the show, so..) Me and Marisol give a death stare to Lorenzo and he instantly gets the point. We hear the bell ring for first period, Marisol and me stare at each other and give each other a deep kiss, then head to our first periods.

I'm sorry if that line for Lorenzo is offensive, I don't mean to offend anyone, it's just something he says over and over again, so I'd thought I'd put it in this chapter. Also I hope you guys enjoy the free Spanish lessons(he he he) Well that's it for today love y'all🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍

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