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Kiki watched Sora stare at the colorful lights of the stars they passed by, Kiki remembered her first time in a Gummi Ship and she looked just like him. His hands pressed against the glass "Wow, I wish Riku and Kairi were here." He smiled

"Ri-ku? Kai-ri?" Kiki repeated.

"Oh sorry, was I too loud?" Sora blushed.

"N-no, I was looking out your window and accidentally read your lips...Sorry." She blushed "Please forgive me noble wielder, pardon my rudeness." She bowed her head in respect.

"Wow Kiki, you sound like our princess Kiki," Goofy said in his goofy chuckle.

"Yeah..." Donald said sounding quite suspicious.

"I sound like a princess!? That is truly amazing!" she said in her best surprise voice. She pulled it off quite nicely."Could you tell me about her? I've never been compared to a princess before."

Donald smiled "She is a mage I personally trained her myself."

Kiki giggled in her wrist from Donald's lie. "Wow, you trained a princess."

"So Kiki," Sora leaned towards her "Tell me about yourself." Kiki couldn't hide her blush, his eyes were a beautiful shade of blue and his skin was light tan, he was so beautiful...how is that? Kiki told Sora about her life, well she lied about a few things because she heard Donald and Goofy listening.

"We're here." She whispered

"Huh?" (Sora)

"We're here!" (Donald)

"Already?! (Sora)

Kiki got up then cast a spell on herself while Donald and Goofy explained the rules of the world to Sora, she had to make sure her spell worked so she did what every rational mage would do...jump out of the Gummi into the world.

"KIKI!!!!!!" (Sora, Donald, and Goofy)

Kiki giggled as she was falling into the world, she kept falling but the world changed from stars to a rabbit hole? The walls were dirt with roots, soon a whole bunch of tables, chairs and other household items filled the hole. She giggled at how funny this world was, she saw a checkered pattern, "The floor." she groaned. The second her toe touched the surface her clothes began to change, she wore a dress that was turquoise and violet. The dress only had one shoulder strap oddly enough the strap was made from cute little teacups, the bust part of the dress was violet with gold designs on it below that were beige stripes, a big lavender bow connected the lovely purple and gold skirt. She wore a pair of blue fingerless gloves that matched her teapot hat, pearls on her neck and her heels. Her heels, however, were a royal blue with two mini clocks as the heels. Her hair had turquoise, violet, and white streaks in her hair, two gold teaspoons hung from her hears finishing her mad outfit "Guess the spell works." A large pearl bracelet appeared on her wrist. "Cool." She sat on one of the chairs next to a mirror and began to apply some makeup.


"Hey, guys," Kiki said.

"I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!" A white rabbit wearing a waistcoat and holding a pocket watch said after stepping on Donald's head. "No time to say Hello Goodbye, I'm late! I'm late! The queen, she'll have me beheaded, as sure as ferrets are ferrets!"

"Ferrets are Ferrets?" Kiki giggled.

"Let's Follow!" (Donald)

The group walked down the hallway to a large door. Goofy pulled open the door to find a door a bit smaller than the first door, Sora opened the next door and found another door, Kiki grabbed the knob. "Hey, it's my turn!" Donald shouted.

Kingdom Hearts through Kiki's eyesWhere stories live. Discover now