Heroes in togas

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        "She sure does sleep a lot," Sora mumbled as he gazed at the sleeping girl trying to figure out what world she came from and why she wanted to follow them here.  She moved around more than usual today, "Jafar really did a number on her back there." He mumbled quietly to himself then pushed back a few strains of her hair to the side when he noticed her hair color changed from jet to a light brown. "Guys Ki----" Kiki began to groan.

        "Don't...Don't go...daddy..." she mumbled

        "Kiki." Sora shook her a bit trying to wake her up but didn't work. Here skin was warm she was sick. "Hey, Donald what helps a fever?" Sora pulled Kiki closer then he could. "I think she over did it."

        "I'm not sure maybe she can rest in this world." Donald said then placed a hand on her for head, she was burning up. "Thank goodness we're---"

        Kiki jumped out of Sora's arms then off the ship like always. Her landing was as smooth as sand paper, she was on the hard stone streets of the new world. "Ow." She mumbled as she got to her feet, she dusted off her new outfit. It was a toga with armor on it.

        "Excuse me but what are you wearing." A teenage girl said. "who do you think you are, Aphrodite?" The girl flipped her hair trying to impress two other guys near by. "You so aren't I'm the most beautiful girl in town."

        Kiki rolled her eyes. "Look I don't have time for idiots." Kiki looked at herself, she wore a white  toga with gold gladiator sandals, around wist was a belt that held a sword and small shield. She played with the gold cuffs on her wrist then fixed her hair, "Later hoe." She followed the crowed of people to a large building. "Coliseum, huh?" She pushed open the stone doors and walked in. "Sora!" Kiki shouted then ran to her friends.

        "Kiki!" Sora hugged her tight. "There you are! You had us worried."

        "Sorry." She smiled.

        "Cid lectured us because of you!" Donald quaked.

        "Cid?" (Kiki)

        "He was giving us some info on Maleficent a few seconds after you jumped out. He thought we left you in an unknown world or somethin'" Goofy explained 

        "Sorry...again." She said.

        Sora placed his hand on her head, she her head was still really warm. Sora grabbed her hand, "Hold on to me okay I don't want you falling or anything play." He said with signature Sora smile. Kiki smiled back then followed the group. Kiki was timid due to her sickness, Sora took note and kept a close eye on her as they walked closer to the doors ahead. "Wow, gate," Sora said looking at the two statues that stood beside the doors.

        "Er, ahem." Jimmny cleared his throat. "This here is the Coliseum of Olympus. Famous warrior all over comes here to train than fight in Martial arts tournament."

        "Martial arts tournament!" Sora shouted. 

        "We don't have to participate, Sora!!" Donald shouted.

        Sora didn't listen, he was already dragging Kiki inside. A goat man stood on top of a stone column writing on a chalk board. "Um..."

        "Good timing. Give me a hand, will ya?" The goat man said then wrote some more words down. "Move that pedestal over there for me."

        "Huh?" Sora was confused. Kiki tugged on his sweater, once he looked at her she pointed to the large pedestal made of stone. "Uh...sure, I guess." Sora walked Kiki to the corner. "You wait here I'll just go move that thing. Don't strain yourself." Kiki watched Sora try and move the pedestal but failed. Donald and Goofy walked in. "This ain't so tough!" Sora continued to try and move the object, after a few more strange grunting noises Sora quit. "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!" Sora shouted in frustration.

Kingdom Hearts through Kiki's eyesWhere stories live. Discover now