Part Two

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It had been two months since Sylvain joined the Black Eagles. He was still courting other girls, but most of them left him. He was losing his groove.

But he didn't seem to care. He was able to spend time with Byleth in class and getting tutoring was a nice bonus to the time. Not to mention Byleth would even talk to him to check up.

Today was an off day for him. While on a date, the girl started to accuse him of cheating and started to cry. "I'm sorry. What is it you want? A different noble? I'll introduce you if that's the case."

The girl gasped and ran off brokenhearted. Byleth watched in anger. "You broke her heart, you know."

Sylvain couldn't be calmed even by Byleth. His off day had started during training and was just getting worse. "She just wanted me for my crest..." This was common. Many people married due to crests. And it wasn't uncommon of him to break off a relationship due to a girl wanting his crest in their family. "You think I like seeing a girl cry? It's just as hard on me as it is you or them."

"It doesn't seem that way, what with your attitude towards her." Byleth chastised. Her face became worried. "I heard many of your girlfriends left you. While I must admit I am glad you aren't dating half the town anymore, it is worrisome. You could get a girl to fall for you rather quickly. What is going on, Sylvain?"

Sylvain heard the concern and grew calmer. Byleth cared for her students. She also seemed genuinely glad that he wasn't dating half the town. She also had made it obvious from day one after the mock battle that crest or no crest: she'd treat everyone as equal. That's what made her unique. With a sigh, he went a roundabout way of telling Byleth. "I met a girl two months ago. She sparked a genuine interest in me. It's been throwing off my ladies man groove. I can't get her out of my mind and she's just... Perfect. I know she doesn't like me just because I have a crest. But," he sighed again, "she doesn't like me the same way. So I have no clue what to do."

Byleth nodded a the end of his monologue. "Maybe you should come out and tell her how you feel. Honesty is a wonderful policy." And with that, Byleth walked away. She left Silvain wondering.

Later in the dining hall, Sylvain could be found. Dorethea sighed and sat next to him, sensing something amiss. "Alright, lover boy. What is wrong with you?" She asked this bluntly, before taking a bite of the Bonding Bites that were being served.

"Since when do you talk to me? You don't even talk to me in combat practice when I'm your partner," Sylvain noted.

"Something is wrong with the monastery flirt. I can tell. Who's got you all in a twist, Sylvain?" Dorethea spoke softer when she asked the question.

With a sigh, Sylvain spoke up. "I have a major longing for Professor. It's like... I can't stop thinking about her and making her happy." Dorethea perked up as Sylvain continued. "I can't get her smile out of my mind... And earlier, when I was rude to her, she still cared enough to ask what was wrong! How can I ever hope to compare to any other guy in her ey- What is that look for?" Sylvain looked over to see an almost squealing Dorethea.

"Sylvie, you have a crush on the Professor! This is so adorable!" Dorethea clapped her hands, her eyes closing and her mouth forming a smile. "Oh, this so gold. Sylvain, losing his touch because of the Professor."

"Make fun of my crush why don't you," he muttered, messing with his Bonding Bites. "This isn't funny, Dorethea. I'm slipping in the class too."

Dorethea's face fell a bit. "Is your crush that bad? You must have fallen hard... When did this officially start?"

Sylvain blushed and smiled blissfully. "The day she became your professor."

Dorethea frowned. "That was three months ago. You really fell hard that long ago," she asked, looking the red-head up and down. He simply nodded to her question, a forlorn look on his face. With a sigh, Dorethea stood. "Well, I suppose I could help you figure out what the Professor likes..."

Sylvain turned rather quickly to the brunette. "What's the catch?"

Dorethea smirked. "You have to stop all your current relationships. She would never date you if you cheat on her."

Sylvain took a moment and nodded. "Can, uh, you help me with that, too?" Dorethea giggled and nodded.


Something was definitely off with Sylvain. He and Dorethea had been hanging out, which was rare enough, but he also was currently single and doing better in his classes. Not that any of that was bad. But Byleth knew something was off, and wanted to get to the bottom of it. "Edelgard? A word," the Professor asked, keeping the head of the Black Eagle house back at the end of class.

"Of course. Hubert, please tell Professor Jeriza that I will be late." With a grunt, Hubert nodded and left. "What is it, Professor?" Lavender eyes fell on blue ones as Byleth looked at her student.

"Do you know what is going on with Sylvain. I haven't been getting any complaints of him flirting, and the few complaints I get right now are girls who used to date him mad about him breaking up with them. Not to mention, he's been hanging out with Dorethea, someone who dislikes his flirtatious demeanor," Byleth explained, causing shock in Edelgard's face. A sigh came from her mouth. "Of course. My apologies, Edelgard."

"Professor, a question. What do you think brought this about in him," Edelgard asked. Byleth thought and it clicked.

"He has a crush. And it isn't like his normal falling for every girl. It's an honest love." She gasped, smiling.

"It's rare to see you smile, Professor. Perhaps that is why he is around Dorethea more lately. She could be helping him."

Byleth nodded. "Of course. Thank you, Edelgard. You are dismissed."

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