Chapter 6 - Killer

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I keep my sweet cupcake in my arms for I don't know how long. It feels right to have her against me, pressed into my chest. She's so small, fragile and soft against my hard body and I want to keep her against me forever.


"What is it, Cupcake?" I look down at her as she tilts her head to stare up at me. She's so tiny I feel bad for her neck.

So I pick her up, setting her little bubble butt on my arms. Her small hands immediately settle on my shoulders for stability. Like I would ever drop her.

"Um, I wanted to ask you something."

"Go ahead, Cupcake." I encourage, lost in those gorgeous green eyes of hers.

"Why were you so distant earlier?" I can't say I'm surprised. I acted like a dick, but I did it for her. So she doesn't get too close. It's better for her to stay away from someone like me but I can't let her go.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to do that."

"Then why did you?"

I sigh. She's stubborn, that one. "Because I tried to push you away. It's better for you to not be with me, but I can't let you leave." My arms unconsciously tighten around her, bringing her closer to me. My little Cupcake is so tiny I could hold her forever and not get tired.

"W-Why?" She searches my eyes for an answer I can't give her yet. I don't want to scare her by being too forward. "Killian, tell me!"

But I can't deny this bewitching green-eyed beauty anything. "Because I want to keep you. With me. I want you to be mine."

Cupcake stays quiet, just staring into my eyes. I fucked up. It was too early to say that. She'll think I'm a freak.

"You mean to say... you like me?" I can hear the apprehension in her voice, the slight light widening of her eyes.

"Yes. I like you. I've liked you since the moment I looked into your eyes back on that road." I admit, even though like doesn't even describe what I feel. It seems too shallow. With her, I feel like I can finally breathe. She's my complete opposite, but she fits me like no other.

"But... but you've barely met me. – Cupcake leans back a little but doesn't release my shoulders from her small hands – I mean, I like you too, but it's been just a day and I hit you with my car, oh god, maybe you have a concussion and you're delirious, I told you to see a doctor, maybe your head is hurt more than we thought!" She rambles adorably running her dainty fingers all over my head, checking for an injury. I try my hardest to hide the smile as she frets over me.

"I'm fine, Cupcake, I didn't hit my head that bad."

"Oh my god, you have a bump here." She gasps, pressing her fingers gently to the back of my head. "It must hurt! Oh god, you really might have a concussion!" I chuckle at her worried voice.

I gently take her hand away from my head, supporting her whole weight on one arm, then press a small kiss on her knuckles. "I'm okay, my sweet. Don't worry so much."

"But it's because of me!"

"No, it's not. – I deny with a shake of my head – It was an accident. And you got more hurt in it than me. Stop worrying, I promise you I'm fine."

"Promise?" Oh god, she looks so adorable with that cute pout on her lips. One look from her and I'm ready to do literally anything.

"Promise." I seal my words with a kiss to her forehead, grinning when I see the blush adorn her cheeks. Beautiful. "Now I think it's time for me to ask you something, my sweet." I adjust her slightly to sit on my forearm, cupping her cheek with my free hand.

"Put me down, Killian. Your arm will hurt." Cupcake squirms a little, but I only tighten my hold on her.

"You're as light as a feather and I love holding you. Now, don't try to change the subject. Why are you awake so early, Cupcake?" I worriedly ask. She must be exhausted but she's already awake and it's barely dawn.

Katherine averts her gaze, sighing quietly. "Um... I'm an early riser." Lie.

I decide to not press her further. She had enough stress over the last 24 hours. "How's your leg?"

"It's okay." I narrow my eyes at her. "Don't look at me like that."

"Then don't lie to me."

"It hurts a little."

"See? That wasn't so difficult, now was it? I'll get you some painkillers but you have to eat first. It's not good to take medication on an empty stomach." I kiss her forehead, making her blush again. My sweet cupcake.

"It's okay. I don't want to trouble you." I sigh at this, walking to the common room with Katherine still on my arm.

"I told you already, Cupcake, you can use me as long as you want. Though I would rather you stayed with me for different reasons."

"Like what?" She smiles.

"Like... because you like me." I grin teasingly to hide the fear that slowly builds up in me. The fear of her leaving before she even gets to know me.

"I do like you, Killian. It may be too fast, but I do." This time my grin is genuine as I peck her nose cheekily, enjoying the quiet embarrassed squeak it causes.

"You're so adorable." I take her to the infirmary, where Doc keeps all the meds. I don't like my Cupcake in pain, even if it's a little.

I set Katherine on one of the beds then search the cabinet for some Ibuprofen or Tylenol. I know where Doc keeps his stuff, I'm one of the few people come here quite often.

Taking a bottle of Advil, I put it in my jeans' pocket then pick Katherine again, setting her on my hip like a baby, and take her to the common room, where I put her on a stool by the bar. "I'll make you some breakfast and you can take your pills, okay?"

"You cook?" I almost laugh at the dumbstruck expression on Cupcake's face. Guess she didn't expect a biker to know how to cook.

"Yeah. I used to live alone when I was younger, so I know how to take care of myself." I shrug, pulling out the food from the fridge. I think scrambled eggs with bacon and grilled cheese will make a good meal for now.

I catch Katherine put her elbows on the bar and lean her chin on her palms, staring at me cooking. I don't miss the way her eyes stray to my chest every now and then before she bites that plump rosy lip of hers. This woman is a pure temptation.

"If you keep looking at me like that, Cupcake, I'll have to kiss you." Furious blush spreads through her whole face as she buries it in her hands.

"Killian!" She whines cutely, making me laugh.

"Here you go, Cupcake." I set the plate in front of her.

"What about you?"

"What about me?" I tilt my head, smiling in amusement at her cute lost expression.

"Aren't you eating?"

"I'm not that hungry yet."

Katherine bites her lip, seemingly thinking about something, then looks at me again. "But I want to eat with you."

I feel my smile widen. "Is that so?"

"Yes. So sit with me and eat." She tries to sound dominant, but fails miserable. Still, it's cute.

"As my lady wishes." I bow slightly, earning a sweet giggle from my girl. I make a second plate then put it on the bar then round it to take a seat next to my girl. I'd love nothing more than pull her onto my lap as we eat, but I don't want to overwhelm my Cupcake. She seems comfortable around me and I don't want to destroy it by being too pushy.

I don't want to scare her.

I want her to be mine.

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