Chapter 7 - Katherine

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I'm going crazy. I'm sure I am. How else am I supposed to explain the attraction I feel towards a man I ran over with my car barely a week ago?! How do I explain that warm feeling I get in my chest when I look at him? How do I explain the happiness I feel whenever he smiles my way? How do I explain the butterflies in my stomach when he holds me in his big strong arms?

I can't explain it. I'm going crazy.

"Cupcake?" And here's the source of my inner turmoil.

"Yeah?" I hear Killian walk into the room I'm staying, He sits in front of me on the sill and his hand instantly lands on my knee. He's always touching me, no matter how small the contact is. I don't want to admit it yet, but whenever I'm away from him, I feel cold, I miss his warm touch.

"I have to leave for a while. – My eyes widen at this – Not for long. Just a day or two." He rubs my knee gently, calming me down.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Stay here, of course. Treasure will be here too. She'll keep you company." I nod at him, letting him know I'm okay with that.

"Will it be dangerous? Where you go?" I can't help but be worried.

"I don't think so. It depends on whether the guy we're going to meet gives us troubles or not." Killian smirks, as if putting his life at risk is funny~.

"Don't get hurt. Please."

Killian cups my cheek with his huge hand, staring into my eyes. "I won't get hurt. I can't get hurt. Not anymore. Not when I have you to come back to."

Oh my heart! OH MY HEART! I duck my head to hide the furious blush on my face. How can he say something like that with a straight face?! He already turned my mind into a jumbled mess yet here he is, saying stuff like this. I'm going to die of a heart attack one day because of this man.

I raise my head then, feeling brave, I press my lips to Killian's in a short peck. He clearly doesn't anticipate my move, looking at me in shock.

But only for a moment.

Then everything disappears.

Killian's lips feel soft against mine, his beard tickles my skin and his hand is tangled in my midnight black hair, keeping me pressed into him as we kiss. I put my arms around his neck as he pulls me onto his lap, engulfing me in a sweet embrace. I feel so small against his huge frame.

We pull away few moments later, slightly breathless, but the sight of Killian's soft grey eyes staring at me with such sweet adoration steals my breath for a different reason. I have never had a man look at me in such a way. With so much tenderness. Yet I can still see the loneliness in them. And I want to rid him of it. I don't want him to be lonely.

"W-When do you have to go?" I peek at him from beneath my lashes, not really wanting to hear the answer or see him go.

"Later, in the evening."

"Oh..." So early.

I spend the rest of the day with Killian, trying my hardest to ignore the looks we get from his brothers. They keep teasing us, giving us knowing smirks and laughing between themselves when they see us. Gossip queens.

"Don't mind them, Kathie." Treasure tells me when she sees me glancing around again. We're sitting in the common room, with her, Tank, Gun and Maggie. Gun and Maggie are a bit older than Tank, sort of parent figures in the club. I noticed how Maggie is always with Treasure when Tank's not here.

"I know I have no place here, but why do they keep staring?"

"They're staring because you're gorgeous. And you do have place here, Kathie. Don't say otherwise." Treasure admonishes with a smile. Despite her friendly disposition, I think she's the scariest woman in the whole building, even town. One word from her and the whole club will destroy anyone who dared upset the Prez Lady of the Shadow Warriors.

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