Chapter 13

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M: hey Dunk
J:hey,how are you?
M: good,how are the family?
J: good,Michael turn on the TV
M: why?
J: your on the TV,you were at the park werent you?
M: yea why?
J: with a girl?
M: yea but were just friends
J: well,you and your friend are on the news,they saw the blood stains of your friends on the tree
M: really?
J: yea,you know the guy who was trying to murder you 2?
M: yea,what about it?
J: he escaped Prison 12 weeks ago they have been trying to find him
M: oh ok,well me and Michelle are fine,thx for telling me Dunk
J: no worries
M: bye Dunk,sweet dreams
J: sweet dreams
then i hung up,i walked back into my hotel room and i saw Michelle awake,she just changed into her PJ's,that reminds me,i better change into my PJ's "So your awake" "Yup,i just changed into my PJ's" "oh ok cool i better change into mine to" "who was that on the phone?" "it was my sister Janet,her nickname is Dunk" "ok cool,you comin to bed?" "uh yea just let me get changed ok?" "ok night" then she skipped in a happy way,to me and kissed me on the cheek while hugging me then she went back to bed and layed there waiting for me.....

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