New Girl

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My breathe was hitching. My heart was beating against my chest so hard i was able to hear it in my ears. I was currently hiding under my bed. Which was always the worst place to hide. But i was trapped, had no where else to hide. Footsteps started to approch. I covered my mouth and turned my head seeing the black converses. Tears started to roll down my face as they walked into the room searching every spot they could. They spun around on their heel and walked towards the bed. Feet planted in front of me. In this moment was the scairest moment i ever lived. Their hands reached down and gripped onto the bottom of the bed and used their strength to flip the bed. I screamed and cried as the dim light of the moon lighened their face


I shot up from the passenger seat breathing hard and sweating looking to my left seeing my mother. She smiled at me softly. "Are you okay honey?'' she asked with the sweet tone of love. I nodded chuckling softly ''Yeah. Im fine mom.'' I lied through my teeth. I wasnt about to tell her im starting to have nightmares of it again. I just got off that medicine. Im not getting back on. I move the strand of hair in my face behind my ear and took a deep breathe looking out the window. Passing the sign saying ''Welcome to Ontario Canada'' I smiled to myself. We made it.

Pulling up to the drive way of our new two story house, which i just thought was odd since its just me and my mom. But i wasnt going to argue because it was a beautiful house. I look through my window at the house and took a deep breathe and opened the car door as mom watched me. I walked to the front door which was currently open wide for the movers moving our furniture in. Walking in my feet made noises on the shiny wood floor. I turned my head seeing the livingroom with an arch that lead into the dinning room that lead to the kitchen. Then the hall from the kitchen that lead to the front door. Taking a few steps forward you would be infront of the stairs. I climbed up them and went into the second biggest room as  the first one was my moms.

My bed was setup all i had to do was do the sheets and blankets and pillows. My room was carpet and i walked towards the window seeing i had a balcony. I turned both of the fancy knobs and pulled them open the wind sweeping in as my hair blew with it. I walk out and see how beautiful it looked as the sunset was setting. I gripped onto the rail and watched the sunset. It was absouletly beautiful with all the colors. I smiled to myself. Walking back inside to setup some things in my room before i decided to go to bed.

I was able to get my desk and a few posters setup along with my bed and lights. It was already ten so i dragged my feet to my bed and jumped on it. Getting under the covers and burying my face in my soft pillow. It was only a few minutes til the sleepiness overcomed me and i drifted to sleep.

"Sweetie. YN, its time to wake up honey. Time for the first day of school.'' my mom said while gently shaking me. "Can i just not go? Can i drop out now?'' i mumbled in my pillow. She laughed ''Nice try. C'mon time to get dressed.'' she got off my bed and walked out my door closing it behind her. I rolled out of bed and dragged my feet into the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth applying my mascara and eyeliner. The sun was shining through my windows. I should really put up some curtains for that. I didn't get to setup my clothes so i looked through my boxes and got a pair of skinny jeans with a McBusted shirt.

I pulled my hair into a high pony and curled the ends of my hair. I grabbed my backpack with all my new supplies and grabbed my phone. Walking downtairs the house filled with with the sweet sweet smell of waffles. I dropped my bag next to the door putting my phone in my back pocket. I walked into the kitchen sitting at the island and my mom handed me a plate of waffles and used the whipcream to make little vampire fangs. I laughed lightly, i was obssesed with vampires when i was younger so she would make fangs on my waffles. I always loved it.

We had to get going and my mom decided to drive me to school on the first day of school. I grabbed my bag and headed to the car as she locked the door. It wasnt even a long drive to school i would say like 5 minutes. Definitely would be able to walk instead of having my mom drive me. She pulled up and i saw teenagers walking around and talking and laughing. ''Okay honey we already registered you so all you have to do is go to the front office-'' i cut her off ''and get my schedule. Yeah got it mom.'' She smiles and i smile back getting out of the car.

I was so lost. I had my schedule but had no idea where my class was. The only group i saw were a group of guys and i hoped i wasnt going to regret this. I walked up to them ''Excuse me?'' i say and they all turn around ''I was wondering of you could point me in the direction to. Mr.Andersons class?'' I bit my lip as they all stared. All of them looking me up and down. I nodded my head "Nevermind then.'' i say and walk back and was about to walk the other direction until one of them spoke up. ''Wait. C'mon guys, you should've just helped the new girl.'' he said.

I turned around and saw one of them step forward. He had tattoos and his pants were sagging. His hair was a light brown and he wore sunglasses which was weird. You're inside, what is the meaning for that? He walked infront of me and took off his sunlasses his beautiful light brown eyes showing. He licked his lips looking at me. He gave me a smirk looking down at me ''Mr.Anderson is down that hall first door on the right.'' he said. I wasnt going to lie. This boy was attractive. I nodded ''Thank you.'' i said softly and looked down and spun around on my heel following the directions he told me. "See you around!" he yelled after me and i smiled a little and kept walking.

I got into class right on time and was not going to sit in the front on the first day. They looked at me as i walked in and i put my head down walking to the back of the class. The bell rang right as the teacher came in. He called attendence and i kept my head down. ''Looks like we have a new student class. YN? Where are you YN?'' My head shot up and i started to raise my hand slowly. He looked and smiled at me. ''Welcome to our school YN.'' he said and i smiled softly.

I looked down at my paper and he was about to teach until the door opened. "Mr.Bieber. So nice of you to join us. Ten minutes late , but I'll take what i can get. Please have a seat.'' he says i didnt even bother to look up as i just kept drawing which was something i did. I drew my nightmare. Under the bed and seeing the converse. I felt like someone was staring but i ignored it. I started to shade as it got darker and darker.

''Nice drawing. Little dark dont you think?'' it was the same voice i heard this morning. I picked my head up and looked to my left seeing the same guy that gave me directions. ''Yeah it is. But its also the dark things that help people draw.'' i say back and he smiles nodding. ''McBusted. They're pretty cool.'' he says gesturing to my shirt. I nod and smile soflty. ''I told you i would see you around didn't I.'' i chuckle and nod slowly. ''Im Justin by the way.'' He held out his hand and i put my pencil down grabbing his hand and shaking it ''Im YN. By the way.'' I repeat him and he chuckles and shakes his head. I pull my hand back to see hes still looking and I smile and grab my pencil to continue drawing.

''Mr.Bieber! It seems like you are so intrested in staring at YN. Why dont you tell us the pythagorean theorem and how eaxclty we can find it please.'' He snapped out of it and I laughed lightly. He looked at the board. "Well Rick, the pythagorean theorem is quite simple. C equals square root of a squared plus b squared. So all you really have to do is plug in the numbers. a squared is 16 and b squared is 8. So just plug that in and it would say c equals square root of 16 squared plus 8 squared.'' he finishes and teacher nods "Good job Mr.Bieber. But i do ask if you could pay attention to the board instead of being starstruck by YN please.'' I blush and Justin nods turning his head side ways a little to me. "Busted.'' he says and i can see the smirk on his face and i smile and shake my head looking down.

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