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Have you ever had that feeling of being completely and utterly done? Just so done in life?
Studying?, fuck it.
Being social?, fuck it.
Trying to love yourself? Fuck it.
Im not special, no one is. So why for a split second would i be cared for?.
Don't get me wrong, you might have somebody who cares for you, in that case, great! I have a boyfriend and he loves me, cares for me aswell, but what i'm trying to ask myself here is that: People obviously care about you, but what about your problems? Caring about you is one thing, but caring about your problems is different.
As i said earlier, I'm not saying that no one cares about any of you. I'm just saying that, me personally, with lots of problems, i haven't found anyone who genuinely cares. It does break my heart indeed.
I love my boyfriend so much, he makes me feel happy, for a little while anyway....
He does care about me, me as a person. But i don't think he would actually care about my problems.

Sorry if you get on the wrong side of what i said:/ I'm not planning to hurt anyone x
If you are against what i said please leave a comment and i will answer you

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