★ | 003. hookups and the missing girl

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Book: Tough Love
Chapter 3: Hookups And The Missing Girl
Word Count: 1507

When school had finished, Bella and Lucas walked together towards her truck

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When school had finished, Bella and Lucas walked together towards her truck. The girl had been tense all day because none of the Cullen's showed up and she felt like she was the cause. No matter how much Lucas tried to comfort her, she wouldn't change her mind and he hadn't been able to make her smile once.

Getting her to smile was hard but he was usually able to do it. Today? No chance.

"I'm sure everything is fine Bells. They'll be back tomorrow like nothing happened. Stop stressing about it." He said.

"I don't know... I just feel like something's wrong. The fact that none of them showed up today..." She trailed off as they came to a stop by her car. She kept her head facing down, lips pursed in worry.

Lucas sighed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side into a comforting hug. "You overthink too much. Just go to their house after school and see what's up. I'm sure Edward will be more than happy to see you. Especially considering after what I saw last night."

She looked up at him, "what did you see last night?"

"Oh, nothing. Just you and Edward kissing like your life depended on it." He laughed as she blushed. "Speaking of, you don't have to drive me home today. I'm going to Brent's house so I'll be home later."

"Brent? As in the guy you said you were never seeing again because he was a douche bag?" She questioned with raised eyebrows, remembering when he had stormed into her room and complained about the boy for at least an hour.

"But he's a hot douche bag." He and Brent had never been anything serious They just liked to hook up sometimes. Brent wasn't out to his parents yet so Lucas was only able to go over when they were out, which luckily happened to be today.

"Okay I guess I'll see you at home then." She nodded her head, hugging him again before getting into the car.

Lucas frowned as he watched her drive off. He talked as if he were calm but he couldn't help but worry that something was wrong with the Cullen's and there was a bad reason why they didn't come to school today. Don't turn into Bella, he scolded himself.

A car pulled up beside him and Brent's head popped out, an annoying smirk on his lips. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah." Lucas walked around and hopped into the passenger side car.

The drive to his house was quiet as Lucas picked different songs to sing softly to. They pulled up to the house and when Brent got out, he was basically jumping from excitement and rushing to get inside.

Lucas laughed at him before following and stepping inside the house, almost instantly Brent was on him, wrapping his arms around his neck, pulling him into a deep kiss and pushing up his shirt. "When are you're parents going to be home?" He asked between kisses.

tough love, twilight Where stories live. Discover now