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Disclaimer some dirty stuff👁👄👁

The new cover is from @hevalaevindar💞

The chapter contains violence / sex disclaimer on the spot

P.o.v Francesca

It's been a week since we had sex, I have to say, I've never had such good sex.
He is not the brightest but he can fuck.
I have given up trying to get out of here, I get food and I am treated like a queen. Nevertheless, I lie here every day and think about my family, my friends, my friend.

My mother had often told me to be careful, and what had happened? I was almost dead. Honestly I hoped he would just shoot me, dear death than here.

Wherever I am with him, he was gone after our argument, again.
I missed him, I don't know if I loved him. He was hot and dominant, but in the end he was the one who could kill me at any time.

P.o.v Mario

"Non puoi tenerla qui, solo ora laura? Vuoi distruggere gli affari? Tuo padre ha lavorato duramente e tu? L'hai rovinato con le tue donne sciocche!"
(You can't keep her here, only now laura her? Do you want to destroy the business? Your father worked hard and you? Ruined it with your foolish women!)

"È colpa mia se è morta, non parlarmi così"
(It's my fault she's dead, don't talk to me like that)

He got up and loaded his pistol.

"Massimo, ritorna ai tuoi sensi, non puoi iniziare con ogni guerra!"
(Massimo, come to your senses, you can't start with every war!)

"Sali in macchina"
(Get in the car)

"Massimo .."

i put a hand on his shoulder from which he quickly freed himself.

"Ho detto ... sali in macchina"
(I said ... get in the car)


"What happened?"

"I shot his dirty hands off him"

Massimo wiped the blood from his hands and leaned back in the car.

"You know what that means? That was our last ally, if you don't pull yourself together they'll shoot you boy!"


It happened as it was supposed to happen, the car was crashed by another, the airbags hit them.

Men started shooting.

"You are dead before the sun goes down"

The shots broke the windows of the Black Van, the air dusting. It was getting dark.

Like at the end of a film, the van stood there with punctured windows, it was dark, rain pattered on the roof of the car.

Two men were lying on the cold earth, the car was thrown into the ditch from the road.

The men were dead, the blood mixed with rain and seeped into the ground.

There was no ambulance there, only Mario took the gun from Massimo's hand and took care of him like a father.

He pulled him out of the car, brought him to a remote place.
He called over the phone to pick them up 3 hours later.

Massimo was shot, he leaned his head against the window and looked in the rain.

"You son of a donkey, if they had killed us it would be over!"

Mario bleated quietly to himself. Domenico drove, telling whom he would avenge everything. They all knew that he would never do it.

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