(Chapter 3)

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Ͼ Ella White Ͽ

“What would you like to drink?”

I glared at him, and didn’t answer.

“We’ll have the 1975 Dom Perignon Oenotheque,” he said to the waiter, choosing for me. His tongue rolled over the French, and I wondered if it was meant to impress me. “As for appetizers…” He tapped at the menu (evidently, he was unable to pronounce the Japanese words), showing the waiter.

The waiter wrote it down, nodded, and left.

I tapped my fingers on the table, waiting for “Mr. Castillo” to start talking. He had to tell me what this was about – he’d kidnapped me, dolled makeup onto my face, and almost made me have plastic surgery. He had to have a good reason for this, or God help me, I will kill him

He didn’t meet my eyes, but just tapped on his little Blackberry like his life depended on it. Another way he was like those spoilt brats – obsessed with their gadgets.

The waiter was back with our drinks (wow – fast!), along with our appetizers. He placed the dishes in front of us, and I breathed in the delicious smell of crispy spring rolls and wasabi. I wanted to smell some more, but at the same time, it made my nose sting.

I tried not to look too impressed in front of Mr. Castillo. He glanced up, gave the waiter a quick smile, and then carried on tapping away on his Blackberry.

The waiter poured out the 1975 Dom Perignon Oenotheque, which turned out to be champagne, bowed, and left.

After a couple more quick taps at his Blackberry’s screen, “Mr. Castillo” stowed his phone away into his jacket pocket, and picked up his chopsticks.

“Eat,” he commanded.

I picked up my chopsticks, and was about to eat when I realized – hey, I don’t have to do what he says! He doesn’t own me! I chucked my chopsticks back down, and glared at him. I don’t know why I was about to do what he commanded – there was just this certain confidence to his voice.

“No. I won’t eat until you tell me why I’m here, Mr. Castillo.”

“Ash,” he said, with a slight wince. “Not Mr. Castillo. Call me Ash.”

“Whatever,” I said, impatient, “Just tell me why the hell I’m here!”

Ash didn’t answer straight away, but picked up a spring roll with his chopsticks, and brought it to his mouth. I watched him take a bite, chew, and swallow. He was taking his time.

“Hey!” I yelled, kicking him under the table.

A couple people in the restaurant glared at me, but I ignored them.

“Tell me why I’m here!”

He took a sip of champagne, and looked at me over the rim. I tried not to get sucked into his pale blue eyes. He gave out this aura of confidence and power, so it was almost impossible for me to look away.

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

I frowned. “Um, what?”

“Oh, sorry. Girlfriend?”

“No!” I yelled, flushing red. “Why would you ask something like that?”

“Marry me.”

I looked at him, for a couple seconds. Then I exploded into laughter.

“You’re killing me,” I said, wiping a tear from my eye. His face was so serious, I decided to go along with the joke. “I knew you were dumb, but I didn’t know you were funny!”

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