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Hey guys sorry for not writing in so long. If I am being honest I am not proud of this story. While it was fun at first it slowly began to be more of a burden to me. Knowing that people might like this story and want updates. I am not happy with my writing at all and i think looking back the story its just extremely cringe. Its so poorly written. I hope you guys can understand that I wont be uploading this story anymore but I will leave it on the app for you guys to reread if you choose to do so. I however might write a new story and if anyone has any ideas or anything they would like me to write you can just dm me on insta or here. My insta is emilyhatesracism . Again I am very sorry and thank you so extremely much for all this support. I wasn't expecting that and I will always be extremely grateful for that.
All the love

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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