Orchestra Class

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These stories are all true and some names have been changed so the embarrassment stays on me.

So, this first story takes place in the 7th grade. I was in the third-period Orchestra. I play the Bass and am in the back of the class. To my left is the cello section, right in front of me is violas and to the right are violins. So I had two teachers Mr.B and Mr.H, and they weren't the cutest teacher but. So anyway, I had a crush on a cello player and he sat diagonally from me. All class long I would stare at him, I even learned to memorize my sheet music so I could play and stare at him at the same time.

Sometime in the year, Mr.B began to notice that I wasn't listening to him during class, so he called me out. He said why don't you stop looking at the Cello section and more at the conductor section. He said this across the whole class. Everyone looked back at me. I was so heated at him. Even the cello player looked at me, but he just smiled. A few days later I was back in my old ways so Mr.B walked back to my section and let Mr.H teach the class.

He sat back there with me and my friend and other Bass player Liv. He sat there and tried to distract me. Is it the first chair he says quietly as I play. I pay him no attention until he says Cello (the name I am giving my Crush). I stopped playing during the bass solo part of the song, which caused Liv to stop. Mr.B stood up and went to the front of the class and told us we could pack up.

The bell was going to ring in five minutes. I put my bass back in its locker and then went to stand by the door. I watch Mr.B and Mr.H talk. Liv approaches me and asks why Mr.B was sitting back there next to us. I lie and tell her I was chewing gun (which I was. This is against the rules). I stood up against the door where I stood and cello walks up and starts to talk with me.

He was part of an Asian friend group (not being racist, this is important to the diaries) and in this group was a girl named violin (the name I am giving her) who also had a crush on him. She hated me and knew I liked cello. Cello asked me to be on his team for soccer in P.E. which was the 5th period. (Another entry coming soon) So I agreed and in P.E. class, things got a little heated.

Again, I just want to say these diary entries are for entertainment even though they are a hundred percent true. I am doing this to get some of this off my plate and maybe help anyone who is sad and needs someone else's problems to laugh at.

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