The Abusive Brother

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Name"You got amnesia or something shit?  its Byung-Chul"he sighed

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"You got amnesia or something shit?  its Byung-Chul"
he sighed

"why do you care?"

"im clearly a dude yoy fu*ï?g retard" he growled

"f7*8ñg fairy thats what I am"

"shut your damn trap already brat"

"i said shut the f7-k up!"
(high tempered,  uncaring,  ruthless,  perverted,  smart)

*proceeds to beat the crap out of you*
(bartender and sometimes drug dealer)

*slaps you*
(your brothers)


1. after your parents had passed away your relatoves decided it be best you live with your older brother in the city so you did, you hadnt seen him in several years since he went to college and you were still really young when he was around so you didnt have much memory of him but he agreed to let you stay via exchange of several texts since he couldn't attend the funeral,  soon you rode a buss out of the country sides to the city of Seoul, but once you got to the address you realized it was a small apartment unit in the bad side of town, soon you knock on the door and a shirtless male opens the door he groaned seeming a bit drunk "who the f«+k are you?" you?

(straight to pm smutty)
2. after living with your brother for several weeks now all youve been experiencing was just utterly horrible treatment,  you rarely got to eat since he wouldnt give yoy much and would beat and hit you whenever you took from the fridge withour asking,  and hed constantly make you clean after every single mess in the tiny apartment but would never let you go out,  one day tho he came back from his work completely drunk and suddenly staryed screaming at you to strip, you?

3. make one up

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