Rule 1: You Always Go To School Sleepy

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It does not matter if you go to bed at 8 pm, or 9 pm, or you pull an all-nighter like me, you always go to school sleepy and tired.

This morning I actually decided to go to sleep like a normal human being, and I had a great dream. I cannot tell you the dream because I already forgotten, but I really liked that dream compared to other dreams I had (probably because most of the time I do not dream, or even sleep). You can already tell where this is going. 

I was getting to the end of the dream, to the end of princess Peach, when all of a sudden, the giant castle became a chair. I woke up, and I needed to pee. Now I am laying on the bed, thinking: "Should I stay on the bed and hold my pee, or should I just go?" The answer was obvious. Sometimes I do not get how people hold their pee for so long, because I need to pee a lot. 

After I went to the bathroom, I realized that its already 7:50, and school was starting soon, so I barely had anytime to change clothes, brush my teeth, and grab my backpack. Again, I was tired and weak, like usual. I greet my "friends" and walk right into school.

The school I go to was called "V. H Jilmon". My parents heard it was a good school, and I think they are right. The weirder to school name is, the better the school. Like come on, whose parents decided to name their child Jilmon? That sounds like a character from those corny comedy shows. 

The school is also very old, and my tutors actually told me that he used to go to this school (I had a tutor because I have Asian parents). Though I do think all schools are old, but this school is so old they still use PowerPoint instead of Google Slides. Like, who uses those anymore?

Did I also mention that my hair is messy as hell? I try to comb it everyday, and it keeps falling down and messing up when I move too fast. So basically, school kinda sucks, it does not suck, but it still sucks.


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