"Why is he so random?" Sometimes I feel like school is meant for one thing: Making Enemies. School is a goal only for the fittest. Sometimes in order to get good grades and be popular is to do the opposite. And have Asian parents.
Jennifer is that one bully who thinks she is nice, but I know she is not.
I do not get why jerks exist. Unless someone is just born crazy, no one should be a bully. Its like saying I enjoy hitting people because I'm the Joker or something. Jennifer has this way of being nice to everyone except me. People like Jennifer, but I do not get why.
Anyways, today is a great example of her being a meanie. I walk into the Breakfast Club, which by the way, is absolutely amazing. The club basically gives you free food. Its like a buffet, but owned by Mr.Beast.
While I was drinking a strawberry smoothie, Jennifer walks in and plops directly on my other hand. I put my hand down because She was average weight, but it still felt some pain.
"Oh My God!!!!! Im SO sorry!" Jennifer yelled. She has that annoying voice where its high pitched and she speaks some words way louder than others.
"Are you OKAY?"
I do not stare at her, but I give a nod and say: "Yeah can you just please not do that again?"
"Okay, Sorry."
Everyone heard her scream, even the cooks, but they all resumed to doing whatever they were doing.
Jennifer is terrible, but I also really hate her friends. There are always saying: "Why is he so random?"
It does not make sense. Everyone is random. Your skin color, personality, birth country, basically everything about being a human is random.
Her best friend Artemis, has a great name, but the greatness stops there. She is probably the meanest out of Jennifer's friends, almost as mean as Jennifer. Artemis is one of those people who think they are so smart, but in reality they are less intelligent than the director of Caillou (I'm not sorry).
Now you might be thinking: "Why do you hate Jennifer so much, she seems nice."
Well, first of all
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But mainly, the reason why I hate Jennifer so much was something that happened 2 years ago. I was in grade 4, playing in the playground, and I saw her. She used to be my friend. Jennifer walked next to me and smiled. I smiled back, not knowing what she was going to do. She walks closer and-
The bell is super loud, and everyone throws their bread crust in the trash and walks out to start class. One of the worst parts of school is how close the lockers are. Like, you have this much room in the halls and you leave it completely empty. I barley squeeze my way through the sea of children and throw all of my stuff in the lockers and start class.