Wonder Extended Version (2/2)

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W O N D E R -

Chapter 4

"It is only in the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince


Up above the world so highlike a diamond in the sky

Jungkook deals with an internal debate everyday. His brain keeps screaming at him to accept the truth, to stop deluding himself. To accept Jimin's death.

But his heart keeps pushing him in the opposite direction. His heart constantly makes him believe that Jimin is still alone on Earth, waiting for him, alive.

Jungkook has read Jimin's favourite book way too many times. The Little Prince. He has memorised every little detail of the thin book. And he remembers what the fox had said to the little prince.

It is only in the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

Jungkook wonders if it is true for his heart too? Then maybe, just maybe Jimin is really still there, waiting.

If Jungkook were a grown-up, he would have cursed himself for being so illogical. But he wasn't. He chose not to grow up.

Jungkook was a pilot now. He put a lot of effort and he was successful. 

"I guess dreams really do come true."
Jimin's words from their last conversation echoed in his mind.

Jimin must be proud of me.

Unconsciously, his eyes got blurry. He must not cry. Jimin would be hurt if he cried.

Jungkook remembered the ship that he came in to this new planet from Earth. The ship is now long abandoned. But his heart suddenly had an urge to go look for that ship. And he did. He went to the storage place where old spaceships and their parts were kept, more like abandoned.

Looking at the ship brought back bitter memories. Only if he never let go of him.

Unable to bear the heartache any longer, he got off the ship to return back to his greenhouse and tend to his cherry blossoms. Just when he was about to get off completely, he heard sounds.

Static sounds.

Jungkook looked around for the source of the sounds and his eyes fell on the small green light blinking in the pilot space of the ship.

The radio contact system.

He felt an unknown glint of hope rise in him. Rushing towards the radio system, he held the device close to his ears.

Nothing. There were only static sounds.

He waited for some more time. More static sounds.

But then he heard it. A faint, soft voice through the static noises. Even if the voice was barely audible, he could never mistake it for another. He knew this voice by heart.

"Hello? Jungkook?"

[ The End ]

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