Attention Kidnapped!

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Rupert's feels the bedcovers beside him with his hand for the warmth of his husband's body. With a small huff he sleepily sits up and he realizes that, once again, Amir is gone.

Amir and Joan have been busy up to their necks these last couple of weeks. Waking up early in the morning and working until late in the evening to try and change the laws so more lady knights could join their ranks is not an easy task after all. And it required all of Amir's attention. Rupert doesn't like that, - don't get him wrong he has nothing against having more strong knights, - but he needs attention from his husband too dammit.

He looks over towards his nightstand to check the old wooden clock for the time when he sees a small note perched against it, he picks it up rubs some sleep from his eyes and reads it.

Good morning my adorable sleeping husband, You were turning and tossing around a lot last night, so I hope you had a good rest. I will see you again at lunch, I miss you already. – Your very handsome husband Amir. ;)

Rupert smiles a little at the swirly handwriting, he grabs the box from under the bed and opens it to a big pile of small notes threatening to spill out. He leaves the note with all the others he got from Amir and pushes the box back under the bed. As he sinks back under the covers, he thinks about the fact he just isn't able to stay mad at his lover when he leaves such sweet notes every morning just to make Rupert feel less lonely. Oh well, it's a little past eight am anyways, he can sleep in a little longer.

"Alright boys! Go fetch!" Rupert throws the stick as hard as he can, and he sees Porridge and Fitsroy immediately sprint after it. The cute dragon flaps his wings enthusiastically to get a little ahead of the dog as they run down the hill. Rupert loves playing outside with them when the weather is nice. If only he could share these kinds of memories a little more often with Amir...

He is pulled from his negative thoughts when all of a sudden something tackles him to the ground, and before Rupert's mind can catch up to what just happened he feels Porridge's tongue scrape over his cheek, his tail wagging enthusiastically from side to side as he makes a small growling noises.

"Wha-" Rupert laughs, "how did you get back here so fast boy? Did you use those big wings of yours to fly up the hill? – ohoho yes you did! - such a good baby dragon!" Rupert says affectionately.

You can't really say that Porridge is a baby dragon anymore though, he has grown a lot in the last couple of months. Rupert's head now barely reaches Porridge's shoulder, soon their dragon would be big enough to have his first flight with Amir and Rupert. Rupert looks forward to when they can all soar the sky together.

"And there I go again, thinking about what good times we could have if Amir wasn't so busy all the time..." Rupert pouted kicking a rock down the grassy hill, Fitsroy took off after it.

"Your majesty shouldn't blame King Amir too much," says Chamberlain which makes Rupert jump, he forgot that he wasn't alone. "Convincing the council to accept lady knights among our ranks is a very complicated and time-consuming matter after all." the chamberlain sees Rupert's face fall again and quickly adds: "uh-uhm, I'm sure that King Amir would be delighted to see your highness at lunch." Rupert perks up at that and gives Chamberlain a bright smile. "You're right Chamberlain! He would be delighted to see me, I am after all, his beloved husband." Rupert looks back and runs down the hill where Fitsroy tries to chew up the rock that Rupert just kicked.

"HEY! NO. BAD DOG!" Rupert grips the stone in Fitsroy's mouth, but the dog takes it for a pulling competition. "THIS. IS. NOT." Rupert begins to say but at that moment Fitsroy let's go of the stone. "FOOD! EEP-" Rupert yelps as the momentum of suddenly pulling it free lands him flat on his ass.

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