Chapter 1

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

I woke up to the musical sound of my stupid alarm clock Beep-ing its head off. I groaned in disappointment as I realised today was the first day of school. The sun shone brightly through my window. I hoisted my self up from my pillow using my elbows. I squinted as a figure entered my room.

"Miss Alison? Its time to get ready for school. Please can you get yourself washed. There is no need to go into your wardrobe, I have put your clothes out onto the chair. You may put them on as soon as you come out the bathroom. Oh, and your parents are waiting for you in the kitchen."

"Thanks Emily. And I asked you to stop calling me that! It's Ally to you. Same with the 'please' and 'may'. Cut it out. You're not my ma-" I stopped and realised she was my maid.'re probably thinking MAID?! My answer to that: my parents are extremely rich and spoil me rotten without even asking me. I object but what can I say? I am LOVED...

"Okay Miss Ali-I mean "Ally"," replied Emily. "Can you get ready as soon as you can since your father wants to see you before he leaves.That will be all," She walked out my room quietly as I looked up at the ceiling.

Back to school. Yay. I was an average teenager like any other so I decided to go to a public school and not the private crap. Much to my parents' disappointment. They owned a massive company that had wide ranges of interest. They were part of a fashion magazine and run their own cleaning company. Everywhere you looked they were there. They were just starting out when they had me and my older brother by 5 minutes, Justin.  I was an accident according to my brother. I simply call that jealously. Since I was the youngest by five minutes I pretty much got everything. Apart from them. They were always out on a business trip or launching something new. But they never really seemed to be here. In our massive mansion. Taking care of us. Instead Emily did which is why she did everything for me.

"Hey! Alison! My little sister! How's it going?" Speaking of the devil...guess who just broke my train of thought.

"Justin. We live in the same house and are sibilings. The only time you act this dumb is when you want something." I raised my eyebrow still sitting in bed.

"You know me too well sis! I'm driving baby today. Okay? Good? Good! Bye!" He disappeared out the room. By baby he meant the lamborghini that my dad had just bought for one of us. Me.

I was too tired to be able to fight or argue so got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. After having a good old wash and dry I stepped out. I looked at what Emily had laid out for me. Good old Emily. There was a pair of skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with a biker jacket. She must have known about Justin's plan. I slipped them on and fixed my hair. There wasn't really anything to fix. I had black curly locks that went up to my waist. I wasn't a make-up person either. All I put on was eyeliner and a bit of foundation. I felt good about myself just the way I was.  You'd think I was spoilt and pampered but I hated being treated 'special'. I looked up into the mirror one last time before grabbing my satchel and sliding down the banister of the staircase.

" sliding! walk down the stairs properly darling." I heard my mum's voice coming from the kitchen.

"Too late." I said muttered

I entered the room to find Dad busy on his phone whilst mum was cooking toast. Well, mum was watching Emily stop the fire with a fire extinguisher that was made by the toast.

"Hey Mum!" I said with a half wave.

"Hey Dad!" I half saluted. I seem to do a lot of 'half's... He nodded back at me. A usual sign of 'Sorry can't say hi because I'm on the phone but I'll do this instead.' I nodded back understanding the sign language that was between us.

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