Happy birthday kitten! (but a actually chapter)

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Erwin was looking through some reports and went to take out some needed papers from his drawer when a paper fell, it was a different kind of paper then he was using so he put the papers down and picked it up.

Erwin soon realized the paper was Eren's birth certificate, he requested it when he was trying to look for who Eren's father was before he decided to keep Eren for himself.

Erwin looked it over and his soul almost left his body his body when he realized Eren's birthday was literally tomorrow! Why hadn't Eren said anything about his birthday!

Erwin also realized how fast time went by, he realized he's been Eren's guardian for three months now but it's felt like he just got the kitten.

Erwin got up and decided to finish the work later because Eren's birthday was much more important to Erwin. Erwin quickly went outside the headquarters and as expected he saw the kittens playing tag with each other; Mikasa was currently 'it' and was chasing Armin who was running his fastest and looked like he was about to cry while Eren was laughing his little butt off.

Erwin smiled fondly and walked up to Levi who was currently watching the kittens while sipping on some black tea.

"Levi! I need to talk to you about something!" Levi looked up and away from the children and watched as Erwin sat in front of him

"what, eyebrows?" Levi responded, fixing Erwin in his usual glare like stare but of course, Erwin wasn't bothered by the look

Erwin smiled sheepishly "umm, we have something important coming up"

Levi scowled "another scout meeting?"

Erwin immediately shook his head" no, no, thank God but no... It's Eren's birthday soon"

Levi hummed "how much time do we have to plan a party "

Erwin chuckled nervously" a day"

Levi glared at Erwin" his birthday is tomorrow! You fucking idiot!"

"Language, and yes I know" Erwin frowned, disappointed in himself, he's usually on top of things like this but after his injury, Eren getting sick, and all the work he's been doing he completely forgot

Levi sighed " okay, what are we going to do?"

Erwin hummed, "knowing Eren he loves surprises and he only really likes a select amount of people. So how about a little surprise party?"

Levi nodded" anything else?"

Erwin hummed " do you think you and Mike can go to the local bakery and get a bunch of different sweets? Eren loves sweets and I'll pay for everything"

Levi lightly glared at Erwin but nodded anyway "alright, but you and the other brats are going to distract him"

Erwin nodded, " of course but are you sure you and the others won't need help"

The ravanette rolled his eyes "we'll be fine, just focus on gifts, he should get extra since you forget his birthday"

Erwin chuckled " of course, imma take him out in town and let him pick a few things then get the rest tonight"

Levi nodded and watched as Erwin got up and Eren noticed him, the kitten automatically ran to him, adorable face lighting up when the older man scooped him into his arms.

"Danchou! Are you okay?" Eren asked, still worried about Erwin

Erwin smiled softly "of course little one, you know what we can do today?"

Eren tilted his head adorably " what?"

Erwin chuckled "we can go into the market place but not too deep okay? We'll save that for another time"

Eren squeaked in excitement "really?! I'm so excited!"

Erwin smiled" and the best part is we leave in an hour, go get ready!"

Eren gasp in shock and Erwin let him down, the kitten quickly ran back inside to get ready. Squealing in excitement adorably, Erwin watched him in adoration.

"you forget his birthday didn't you?" Erwin looked down to see two angry kittens

"you noticed? And if you did why didn't either of you say anything?" Erwin kneeled down with a small frown

"We thought you all already did, making a surprise party " Mikasa replied, tail flickering in slight irradiation

"We are indeed making a surprise party "Erwin chuckled" but quickly questions for you two, does Eren know his birthday is tomorrow?"

Armin shook his head " no, he never remembers his own birthday but always remembers everyone else"

Erwin chuckled once again " it's Eren, he's going to be an Eren"

Mikasa and Armin giggled and nodded "we'll help out!" They shouted together before running to a leaving Levi

Erwin shook his head with a smile before going back inside to get ready as well, Eren put back on his adorable little SC uniform again to match Erwin again.

An hour later they were in the marketplace and Eren was holding on tightly to Erwin's hand, Erwin offered to carry him like usual but Eren refused since Erwin was still healing.

They went through many stores and Erwin made sure to get Eren a whole bunch of things he wanted like stuffed animals, sweet treats, and other things.

It was a little later than Erwin wanted by the time they came back but by the time Eren had eaten, was bathed and dressed he was knocked out in Erwin's bed.

Erwin stayed with him for a little while before he left to get the rest of Eren's gifts and stuff. They prepared that night before going to sleep and then woke up early into the morning to finish up.

Eren woke up alone that morning and was confused because Erwin wasn't with him, Eren helped Erwin sleep so he woke up later than he usually did.

Eren slowly got dressed and as soon as he was out the door the Levi squad picked him up and brought him to a delicious breakfast and played with him for a while before Eren was taken away to lunch and more playtime with Hanji, Moblist, Armin, and Mikasa.

Eren was happy with all the extra good meals and extra attention but he really wishes he had his Danchou with him and he was also very confused about all this special treatment.

Then finally it was dinner time and Eren was taken to a dark unfamiliar large room and for a second he thought he might be dying and the others knew and were trying to give him the last best day ever until everyone jumped out yelling "SURPRISE!"

Eren was so surprised and he saw everyone he cared for Danchou, Heichou, Mike, Hanji, the Levi squad, etc. Eren ran to Danchou in tears of joy and Erwin embraced him.

"Happy Birthday Kitten" Erwin kissed his little forward, watching Eren's tail swing excitedly behind him and his white ears twitching cutely.

"Thank you, everyone!" Eren yelled in happiness and Job

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY EREN!" Everyone replied and the party was on

Everything was great and Eren was spoiled rotten, and hade a whole bunch of fun. Erwin especially spoiled his little kitten, everyone had a lot of fun and the kittens especially cleared out them, sweets.

By the time it was midnight everyone was exasperated especially the kittens so Levi, Hanji, and Erwin took their kittens and went to bed

After Erwin had bathed and clothed the tired kitten, he got himself ready and climbed into the bed and Eren automatically snuggled into his chest.

Erwin smiled fondly and kissed Eren's raven hair, watching as his little snow-white ears twitched cutely once again.

"Happy Birthday and goodnight my little kitten" Erwin whispered before getting comfortable and falling asleep, happy and warm

Sorry, I didn't go into more detail at the party but this chapter was already too long and I was, unfortunately, getting lazy but I really wanted to post a new chapter. I'll try to update more. Please comment on any grammar and spelling mistakes. Bye-bye

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