Two - Roommates

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Dan's point of view

"I'm Phil," the new boy stood at the door looked very tired and fed up with this place already, "these two idiots are Chris and Pj."

"Hey, like I said, I'm Dan" I repeated my name to the two boys sat in the middle of the floor facing eachother and playing a board game. One of the boys (Chris, I think) had short brown hair that was straight and fell across the right side of his forehead, the same side as mine. The other boy (PJ) has darker hair than Chris but still not as dark as Phil's but PJ's hair was curly, unlike anyone else in the room.

"Hey Dan," Pj and Chris said it in unison.

"I'm Pj." the curly haired boy stood up and walked over to the doorway.

"and I'm Chris." one of the boys shouted from the back of Phil and Pj, not bothering to get up (which is exactly what I would do.)

Phil invited me in and showed me to my 'side of the room' and helped me unpack my stuff.

"How come you were sent here half way through the year?" Phil asked me while helping me unpack, he looked me right in the eyes everytime he spoke to me, it was adorable.

"My parents weren't happy with my previous school so they decided that private school was the best option." I know I shouldn't lie but I didn't want them thinking I am just a trouble maker and ignore me.

"Oh right," Phil had a hint of suspicion in his eyes, "must be difficult for you to have such a drastic change during the school year."

"You'd think so but not really." My reply was slightly blunt but I was too tired to think about the friends I left behind.

"Hey losers, come and play." Chris shouted over from the middle of the room. Pj and Chris were playing a game that I had never come across before, called Tokaido.

*Le 2 hour time skip*

We played the game for hours but it felt like minutes. These people were so funny and accepting, I had been in this terrible place for a grand total of 2 and a half hours and i had already met the most amazing people. Especially Phil. Phil had these beautiful eyes that always looked so cheery and-

"Earth to Dan," Pj was waving his hand in front of my face and I realised that I had just been staring into space. I felt my cheeks burn a violent shade of scarlet.

"Oh, sorry. I'm really tired, I'm gonna sleep now." I stood and threw myself into bed. Ignoring the boys'  pleas to keep on playing, I had only known them for 2 hours and I was already daydreaming about one of them.

Pj's point of view

"Okay, that was weird," in the little time I knew Dan I had only discovered that he is from the South of England, "I guess he's had a long day with starting a new school and stuff."

"Yeah." Phil and Chris agreed, still engrossed in their game of Tokaido.

The game carried on until lights out (11:00pm).

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