meeting him for the first time

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Hey guys, this is my first book so tell me if you have any recommendations:)

Today is the first day of my second year. My best friend Jessica just moved away and I haven't heard from her since. mom and  dads out on a business trip to the United states. So I'm basically alone now. I guess I could get ready to leave, I start volleyball club today. I finally got the position of captain. I WILL lead my team to nationals this year, I have to. Anyways, I throw on my uniform. Never really liked wearing a skirt, but whatever. I grab my bag and start walking, as I get to school I hear a bunch of girl giggle as they start to look in the gym, I dont think too much of it and head to class.

/time skip to the end of the day provided by iwa-chan

I walk in the gym ready to warm up, apparently we are getting a new coach today. As I'm warming up I swear all the girls around me are zombies. They are all staring at the door like a god is there. "If you don't start moving I'll give you 10 flying laps!" I yell at them to break the gaze. They all start to panic and get back to warming up, I turn to see what they are looking at, I mean I don't necessarily think he is bad looking but whatever. "You must be the new coach, I'm (name)the captain of the team. Nice to meet you." I say formally.
"Oh hello! Yes I'm coach Oikawa. It's nice to meet you captain." He says not taking his eyes off of me... creepy.

Oikawas POV

The captain sure is a looker, I can't take my eyes off her. She probably thinks I'm a creep oh no.  I start to panic a bit hoping she won't notice.

Your POV

He's blushing!! Hehe yes!
"Your blushing coach. Are you sick? Should you go home?"
After saying that he blushes harder and starts sweating a bit

"G-go warm up and start with spikes!"
He sounds like a teen boy going through puberty. I laugh and walk off and get the team to start practicing.

/time skip to after practice//

I'm locking up then I hear someone yell my name, i turn around not seeing anyone.

"(Name) (name)!! Wait up!"

Oh.. it's coach Oikawa.

"Oh! Hey coach. What's wrong?"

I just want to go home and sleep

"Can I drive you home? It's late."

He said kinda nervous

"Um sure... I dont see why not!"

SCORE, now I don't have to walk!

Oikawas POV

I'm walking with (name)to my car, hearts beating 100 miles an hour.
This is not right! I'm her coach! But on the other hand I'm only 2 years above her.

(Names) POV
We got in his car, it's a nice black BMW. Dang. He can't be all the older then me, 2 maybe 3 years? Hmm

"Hey coach, um how old are you? I mean you don't seem all the older then me.."
Who just asks that ugh IDIOT.

"O-oh I'm 20. Why are you asking?"

Oh no, think! think! What do I say back to that!

"Just wondering how you could afford a car like this at a young age..."

"Oh I work hard I guess, so you must be into cars, huh?"

Oikawas POV
"Hey coach, um how old are you? I mean you don't seem all the older then me.."

She just asked me my age! She's starting a conversation!! Ahh keep calm.

"O-oh I'm 20. Why are you asking?"

Oh no, I sound like a weirdo

"Just wondering how you could afford a car like this at a young age..."

Oooo, she noticed my car!!! Thank you car for being pretty! Thank you!

"Oh I work hard I guess, so you must be into cars, huh?"

I hope she is so I don't sound stupid

"Oh not really, I have always liked BMWs!"

Oh I am stupid.

"Oh, yeah I have to agree with you. Anyways, tell me about yourself a bit."

(Names) POV

"Oh, yeah I have to agree with you. anyways, tell me about yourself a bit."

Oh, oh no. I hate talking about myself.

"Okay well, I play guitar and sing, I play Volleyball... clearly. My favorite food is (favorite food) my dad is on a business trip on the United states and my mom is.. well.. I'm not too sure. Oh and I really like video games!.. what about you?of you don't mind me asking.."

Was that too much??uhh

"Well I like milk bread...volleyball and  ...I think you but-"
He mumbled the last part

"Im sorry I didn't catch that last part."
Hmm it sounds like he has a boring life.

"O-OH.. it's um nothing!!"

Why is he blushing like that? Did I say something??

Oikawas POV

"Well I like milk bread...volleyball and  ...I think you but-"

"Im sorry I didn't catch that last part."

OH thank GOD she didn't hear it

"O-OH.. it's um nothing!!"
I start to blush like crazy and I know she can see it

"Coach are you sure your not sick?? If you want I can make you a cup of tea??"

Oh I wish I could but I think I'd die

"Oh no I'm fine thank you very much (name)"

We arrived at her place and say our goodbyes and I watch her walk in her house.

A.N- HEY HEY HEY. Let me know if I should change anything!

(Word count is- 971)

stay with me! // Yandere!Oikawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now