the morning

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I wake up with Oikawas arms around my waist I smile a bit and hear his breathing behind me just makes me feel warm. I blush remembering last night and seeing all the clothing laying around.

I turn to face oikawa I give him a peck on the nose and the cuddle up into his chest.

Oikawa was never actually asleep he just never wanted that moment to end . You turning around to face him made him too happy. He stays like this with you for about a hour until he 'wakes up'

You both get dressed and eat.
You sit down and read a book while oikawa goes out to get some things.

You hear a knock on the door and some man probably around the age of 21 or so was standing there you told him to come in.

"Um hey.. my car broke down a bit back and I'm waiting for a tow truck to show up... do you have any water? I'm sorry to intrude."

it sounds honest enough.

"Um yeah sure... just don't kill me heh"

You get him a water and a apple.

"Here you go"

"Thanks... my name is Rin"

"Nice to meet you Rin... my name is um (name)"

I hesitated to tell him that but no way he will do anything when he is way out here.

"Oh.. pretty- wait are you that girl that went missi-"

Oikawa walks in

"Oh hey Oikawa. I was just giving him some water because his car broke down and no Rin I'm not... sorry."

"Oh it's okay... I should leave anyways"

Rin quickly gets up and leaves

Oikawa just kinda stands there

"Sorry Oikawa I didn't know what to do.. please don't be mad.."

He sighs

"He suspected you (name) you can't fucking do that. You hear? You could get us in a lot of trouble."

You walk up to him and look him in the eyes sweetly

"I know.. but I couldn't just let him go thirsty."

He looks at you and takes your hand and puts you in the bed

"Now you listen to me and me only."

He gets up and walks away.

"Wow mood killer"

stay with me! // Yandere!Oikawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now