| flamingo ?! |

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I was rushing to school because I was late. I usually go to school with my skateboard because I like it better. But this time, I was late and didn't have time to even get my skateboard. As I was running, I bumped into someone and fell on top of them.
"I'm so sorry! I-"
"No, no. It's ok!"
As I opened my eyes I realized who I was on.
I literally fell on top of Albert fucking Aretz.
I have to be dreaming. This can't be real!
The tall, brown haired boy was staring at me as I was thinking.
"Uh- You ok?"
"Uh- yeah! Hi!"
"Can I take a picture? I have a fan page for you!"
He let me take a picture and did the shy fingers as a pose. I laughed. He followed my main account and my fan page. Just when I was going I heard someone tap my shoulder.
"You wanna, uh- hang out? maybe? sometime?"
"Sure! I would love to!"
"Let's meet at Starbucks after your school is finished."
"Ok, cool! What school do you go to?"
"[insert university name]"
"Wait- we go to the same school!"
"Nice. Do you want to go there together?- Wait no that's awkward! I'm sorry!- Wow good job Albert you just fucked up."
I laughed and put my hair behind my ear.
"I'd love to."
The whole time while we were walking I had one thing on my mind. Does he like me? Just a little bit? I'd sell my soul for him to like me. Wait no- that's weird!
"I forgot to ask, what was your name again?"
"My name is Cora!"
He's the cutest. We later exchanged phone numbers. I saved him as "al <3" on my phone.
We finally ran to class. We were in different classes. I sat down next to May. The bell didn't ring in 1 minute so I quickly posted the video of me and Albert laughing at a stupid meme. The bell rang. Me and May always pass notes to each other in class. I was sitting and she passed me a note.
so is your ship name cobert or
alra?? ;)
I passed her a dirty look. My cheeks were tinted red. I also passed her a note.
he's not my boyfriend dumbass
She looked at the note and laughed.
i'm not stupid. i can see your blushing;))
I started to blush even more.
then close your eyes !!
We both laughed. The bell rang. I went to my locker to see that Albert was waiting for me there.
"Hi Albert!"
"Hi Cora! Meet my friends Kaden and Jake!"
"Hi Jake, hi Kaden!"
They both waved at me. Kaden and Jake each other a look and started to laugh.
"Oh wow Albert, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!" Kaden said sarcastically.
Albert practically went red. Kaden and Jake were teasing Albert. Albert was blushing a lot. May quickly took a photo of it. She laughed.
— This took me about an hour I'm so sorry it's kind of short but this is my first time writing!

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