Chapter 2

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The wind softly danced through the youngers' soft brown locks, making him smile as he walked right next to a certain shorter male.

The brunettes heart was beating at an uncontrollable pace as Taehyun got a hold of his arm and clinged onto his shoulder.

but that would never be seen as something more to the older, just a simple kind of affection that best friends do. Nothing else.
That's something that caused pain towards the youngers chest.

Taehyuns eyes widened as he saw a familiar place.
Their hideout spot, which took place near a river that lead the way to a mysterious yet beautiful forest.

Both males sat down on the grass, letting the air speak for them as they stared at the river that gave a beautiful reflection of the bright full moon.

"Hyuka?" Taehyun looked at the taller.

"yes?" he stared back at Taehyun, both making eye contact.

"isn't the moon mesmerizing?"

just like you, Taehyun


Taehyun gave Hueningkai a big smile as he closed his eyes, letting the soft wind hit his face.

That view made Hueningkai's heart skip a beat.

How can such human being look so ethereal and perfect at the same time?

He stared at the younger with love eyes.

god he's perfect.

Taehyun opened his eyes as he stared back at Hueningkai.
They both stared at eachother which felt like eternity.
Getting closer by each second.
Hueningkai's heart beating like crazy.

And no space was left between them.

Gasping for air, both males were shocked, especially Hueningkai.

Taehyun's eyes widened as he realized what he just did.
"I-im sorry I-I didn't mean to-"

Taehyun's words were interrupted as he heard noise coming from his phone, signaling that someone was calling.

Beomie💕🍯 is calling...

Oh god that caller ID made Hueningkai's heart shatter into pieces.

"Yes gyu, it's ok, don't worry. I love you too."

The younger couldn't take it anymore, so he ran.
He ran to wherever his legs led him to.
Taehyun didn't notice the younger left.

Just how he would never notice the youngers romantic feelings for him.

July 13th, 2:13p.m.

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