The Date

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Hope knocked on the twin's door to pick up Josie for their date. She was a little nervous that she had done too much, but to her way of thinking, Josie was completely worth it.

When the door opened, Lizzie slipped out without allowing Hope in. When she saw Hope, she gave a knowing smirk.

"Before this night is over, I have to have a picture of you two together."

"Well, I don't mind, but you would have to let me in to take that picture."

"Oh no! I'm going to take a walk. Wait a minute and then knock again."

"Thanks Lizzie." Hope grinned. "By the way, just a hint, go to the kitchen to grab some milk and plates and popcorn. Then come back to your room in about twenty minutes, then wait for a knock of your own."

Lizzie gave a curious look, but just nodded her head. She didn't know what Hope was up to, but she would give her the benefit of trusting her for this.

As the blonde twin walked off, Hope whispered. "Ok MG, I set you up for twenty minutes from now. Take if from here."

She knew that the vampire could hear her and she could almost hear the smile on his face.

After a minute, the tribrid knocked on the door again. She stood there fidgeting and waiting what felt like a year but was more like ten seconds.

When Josie opened the door, Hope's jaw hit the floor and she is not embarrassed to say that she drooled at the sight of the goddess that stood before her.

"Josie... You look... I have never seen anyone more beautiful in my life."

The blush that colored Josie's cheeks only added to her beauty in Hope's opinion.

The witch stood in front of her wearing a cream-colored peasant dress. The dress came down to mid-thigh in a flourish. The sleeves were long and hugged her biceps and flowered at the elbow, ending in a bell shape at the fingertips. She had on matching cream flats. Her hair was down and had been curled in the back. Over all of this, Josie wore Hope's black leather jacket.

"Thank you Hope." The taller girl said shyly. Then with a bit more confidence, "But have you seen yourself? You are stunning and I'm not sure I want to let people see you. I don't think I have the energy to fight everyone off all night long. You look like walking sex."

Hope's smirk was a little defeated by the blush that was crawling up her neck.

The shorter girl had on a tight black skinny jeans, that looked like they were painted on to her. The black t-shirt hugged her in all the right places to show off all her curves and to accentuate her chest. Her hair was worn down around her face like a fiery crown. The biker boots had three-inch heels so that she was closer to her girlfriend's height. All of this was topped with a red leather jacket.

The two girls stood there for a moment staring at each other and couldn't seem to move. Then, as if an electric surge hit them both, they closed the small space between them, and their lips connected as if they were magnates. Hope's hands were in the jacket running down over the taller girl's hips and pulling her flush against her body.

Josie was so extremely turned on in that moment that she truly was thinking that it would be better if they just went to Hope's room and skipped the date. This caused the brunette to have to pull out of her kiss and to lean her forehead against her girlfriend's.

"If we don't stop now, I will take you to your room and we will not be going out on what I am sure is the amazing date that you have planned for us."

"I'm suddenly feeling very alright with that idea."

Josie smiled. "Nope, first date, then I lock you in your room for the rest of the weekend."

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