♥𝔢𝔠𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔶 𝔬𝔯 𝔰𝔬𝔯𝔯𝔬𝔴♥

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Namjoon POV

Yoongi hyung had left without telling us. Hoseok hyung then decides to disappear. I was left sitting next to an impatient Jin hyung. I had no other choice than to help him calm down. I couldn't see him like that anyways.

"Jin hyung..?"

"What Namjoon!" Jin hyung shouted.

"Calm down!" I said. "They both are old enough and know not to do anything more stupid" I added.

"I guess so" Jin hyung answered right when the there was a knock on the door.

"YOONGI HYUNG!" Jungkook shouted when he opened the door.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He wouldn't rest so he's more hurt and it's bleeding again" Kihyun hyung said while helping Yoongi hyung to the couch.

"DOES HE WANT TO BE HURT OR WHAT!?" Jin hyung screamed.

"He said he didn't want to be here and mentioned something to us about Jimin" I said turning to Jin hyung. "That might be it" I added.

"He can talk to me though!" Jin hyung said turning to Yoongi hyung who looked at us with puppy eyes because he was in big pain. "Ugh fine, I'll let it slip" Jin hyung added.

Kihyun then walked into his car and drove away. Right after he left Hoseok hyung had arrived. Jin hyung went outside to receive Hoseok hyung.

"Jin hyung..." I whispered under my breath softly.

"You should tell him now Namjoon" Yoongi hyung said. "Ever since Jin hyung became our friend you've always liked him but you started to get more open when we started this mafia thing. Just go for it now" Yoongi hyung added.

"I thought you were asleep" I said.

"Yeah yeah, whatever" he said. "I'm sure he won't say no because he cares about you and he would've asked about your 'strange behavior' towards him" he added.

I was gonna answer him but the door opened and it was Jin hyung.

"Ask ask him to go to that 'secret room' you found him when you guys fought the first time" Yoongi hyung said. "No one really knows about it except us three" He added.

I walked away from Yoongi hyung but walked up to Jin hyung.

"Can we talk"

"Yeah sure Joonie" Jin hyung answered.

I intertwined our hands and took him to the 'secret room' and looked down trying to think of a way to tell him.

"Joon?" Jin hyung said bending down and looking up so he could see my face. "What's wrong?" He said standing back up. "Be straightforward with me" he added.

"I.. uh" I said trying to make eye contact but I always broke it.

"Joon!" Jin shouted.

"SHIT JIN HYUNG!" I shouted. "I LOVE YOU!" I shouted quickly afterwards.

I looked up to see Jin's face but he was speechless.


"S-since when?" Jin hyung asked.

"Since I met you"

"Why didn't you tell me before..?" he asked.

"I was scared..."

"Scared of what?" he said.


"Well since we became mafias I really liked you but I always thought as friends but I realized that I started to like you more than a friend to the point I got more hurt when we fought" Jin hyung said smiling.

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