Hiding (6)

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Deku's POV:

    My eyes slowly flutter open. I take in the high, dark stone walls. The bed has red curtains draped around it. I bolt upright, I have no idea where I am. Then it hit me, the dragon! I was in a palace the dragon took me to. The last thing I remember was staring into bright crimson eyes before my eyes started to get droopy and I fell asleep. I jump off the bed and bolt to the door only to find it locked. I let out a small curse before turning back to face the room. There was two large windows on either side of the bed so I went over to them and tried to pull them open only to find that they were also locked.

    Fear was overtaking me and I could feel my omega taking over and attempting to shift. I was so overwhelmed I couldn't fight against it and allowed myself to be taken over. I was now no taller than a foot high. I decided to explore a little due to not having anything else to do. The bathroom door was open so I hopped into it and found a large black stone tub. The entire bathroom seemed to be made of black stone with the occasional red and white stone. I left the bathroom shortly after and made my way to the closet, where I found quite a few soft pieces of clothing that my omega thought would be good material for a nest. I decided that was enough exploring and headed back to the window I had tried to open earlier.

I hopped onto the window seal and closed my eyes taking the warmth of the sun into my fur. I must have fallen asleep because my eyes shot open when I heard the noise of the door opening. I sat there for a minute scared until I thought the person was distracted. Still, in my bunny form, I jumped off the window seal and lunged under the bed. I guess whoever opened the door saw me jump under the bed because before I could hide very deep under it my hips were grabbed from behind and I let out a small squeak. The hands didn't let go and dragged me out from my hiding spot if you could call it one. I was turned around and came face to face with the culprit who had so rudely grabbed at me. My ears went down as I came face to face with the red-eyed wolf from earlier.

Kacchan's POV:

    It was about two hours after I had my talk with Kirishima. I walked over to where I left the bunny omega sleeping. The guards nodded at me and one informed me that the omega had tried to open the door about an hour ago and they hadn't heard much noise sense. I walked into the room to find a small bunny asleep on the window seal. His body slowly rising and falling. He's so cute! My alpha though. I felt the smile grow on my face, as I reached out to pet him he made a fitful noise and nuzzled closer to the sun. I had a sudden memory of an incident that happened when I had first become king. A group that called themselves the league had come to offer me an omega. They had a great many with them and they all looked so scared. I knew of the league and that they trafficked omegas I just never thought I would see it with my own eyes.

    I managed to get all of their merchandise to safety and most now worked as servants in my castle. A few, such as one named Denki, had found their fated mates while in my castle and live here alongside them now. I wasn't able to apprehend the league sadly and they got away. I know they will eventually come back as they were not happy I took away their livelihood but my alpha and I would not stand for it. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a rustling coming from the direction the omega was in. I looked to were the omega should be and it was gone.

My alpha caught sight of a blur of green flying under the bed. I walked closer to the bed to see the cloths the omega had on were on the ground. I bent down and looked under the bed to see a fluffy green ball. I reached under the bed and wrapped my hands around the bunny's waist. He let out a small squeak and my alpha almost made me lose hold of the bunny but I continued to pull it towards me.

    He struggled and wiggled in my grasp before I managed to turn him around and face me. Once he looked me in the eyes he stopped moving. His ears dropped as he green orbs stared into my red ones. I let out a sigh of relief that he had finally stopped trying to get away from me. I sat on the bed and made him face me.

    "Now I'm going to ask you some questions and your going to answer them okay?" I asked. The omega just sat there shaking. I told him that he was going to answer the questions I asked him again and still got no response. At this point, I was getting a little annoyed and my alpha was mad that the cute omega was ignoring us. "You WILL answer my questions got that Omega?" I accidentally let my alpha voice slip out and instantly regretted it.

Edit: so my grandma accidentally hit my sister's car door with my head so I'm in a lot left f pain and won't be updating for about two days while I recover. Im also waiting a bit to get your guys responses on if you guys want Shoto and Kacchan be Dekus mates or just make this a bakuxdeku. Anyway, see you next time my moon pups Auther out.

Word Count 1001

Posted on 6/26/2020

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