Part 1 - The Website

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Luis woke in his bed, cold, shivery and with his feet almost off the edge. Standing at 6'3", he was no stranger to furniture too short. He secretly desired to be short again, like he was as a young boy, to have a small cuddly body like his friends. All of his friends were no more than 5'9", so fair to say he was the tall one of them.

As he was browsing the web one evening, he notices an ad claiming to be able to change peoples body types. He suspected this was a scam as that sort of ability didn't actually exist, but none the less, he clicked on it anyway.

He was greeted with an aesthetic looking web page. With options to change your body types at the top. He decided to click on that. He was then greeted with two options: taller or shorter? Well, that was an easy question.

The next page has a warning on it that read: ~Remember, mass cannot be created or destroyed with this method. Continue?~ He assumed this was something to do with science. Luis had never really been that type of student, and still isn't really now as he was still in his late high school years. He clicked continue and then it went just back to the home page of the website. Faulty, he thought, shouldn't have bothered with this type of stuff anyway. He closed his computer and went to bed, it was getting late. Luis curled up to fit in the bed and drifted off to sleep.

-One month later-

Luis woke in his bed. Feeling a bit chilly but not uncomfortable. He stretched out, but still point his finger on what was weird about it. He always seems to wake uncomfortably before, but not really at the moment, or really at all lately.

Luis got up and walked over downstairs. His mum was in the kitchen preparing his breakfast today. As it was Saturday, she had a lot of delicious treats in store for the family today. Sausages, hash browns, pancakes. All the good stuff. Luis' mum said "Good morning, sweetie. How'd you sleep?" Luis mumbled a "good" back to her and waited to breakfast to be served. "Oh, breakfast won't be another good 10/15 minutes away. Why don't you go get changed in the meantime?" Luis agreed, snuck a quick sausage and went back to his bedroom.

He took his PJ's off and reached for his shirt. But, before he put that on he paused to look at himself. He looked like he was getting a bit chubby. He had a curve as he looked down, but really nothing different. He always had a small curve on his belly. He decided to go weigh himself to confirm this. He stepped on the scale and waited to the numbers to show up. "182" it read. Strange, he thought I was just that a month ago. Must be just dreaming or something, he joked to himself. He put his shirt on and went to breakfast, it was now ready. Luis got stuck into it.

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