Too Perfect

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 Some people just assume, and they don't bother understanding. 

  Alison knew that she was perfect. 

  That was why she couldn’t understand how everyone in school seemed to hate her. One moment, she was at the peak of her life, being cheerleading captain, having top grade studies and the next, everyone didn’t want to have anything to do with her at all. You would think that they would have the decency to at least tell her why but no, they didn’t. 

  Alison thought that it was perfectly ridiculous. She knew she was perfect, and there was absolutely no cause for them to dislike her, but since they obviously did, something must be wrong. If so, if they won’t ever tell her, she couldn’t change to suit them, which shouldn’t even be the case in the first place, because people shouldn’t judge. No one is perfect, and they have got no right to judge her because she’s more perfect than them. 

   “Mom, I don’t understand,” She whined. “Why doesn’t anyone like me?”  

  “Darling, they’re just jealous. You know we still love you,” Her Mother had soothed her, setting down a plate of hot fudge brownies. 

  “Yes, but I want them to love me too!” She stood up in exasperation, marching out of the door, determined to hide in the basement until someone called for her. 

  They wouldn’t understand. She was meant to be loved and adored by everyone. Why couldn’t they see that? 

You see, what really hurt Alison was that she wasn’t the one that changed. She still behaved and acted the same way she did when she was once accepted by everyone. She could still remember the afternoons she had spent with her friends. Her lying, ridiculous, absolutely fake friends, that is. 

  “Does this colour look nice on me?” Stella waved a frilly blue dress around, twirling in front of the full length mirror. 

  “Definitely, darling,” Alison held up a yellow dress that bunched out from the waist in voluminous folds of chiffon. “What do you think?” She asked. 

  Tiffany considered carefully. 

  “It makes you look bigger. The colour doesn’t go well with your skin,” She commented flatly. 

  Alison was taken aback. Of course it did! She had gone for tanning sessions specifically just to match the colour yellow because she thought summer and yellow went nicely together. 

  And she was not big. She was nothing but big. Please, Tiffany was the one that binged just to look skinny. 

  Oh, so that’s it! She was jealous of her naturally high metabolism, and she wanted to upstage her by ruining her social circle! And maybe she wanted to be with Jacob. She has always liked Jacob, but Jacob liked Alison, so she was upset. Oh, so she was upset with her. How could she be so unreasonable? It wasn’t even her fault that Jacob liked her that way! 

  How ridiculous could Tiffany get? 

  “You’re just jealous,” She said spitefully. “You don’t want me to look pretty.” 

  Tiffany snorted. How unladylike. 

  “You asked me what I thought, and I told you. Just because you’re pretty doesn’t mean you look pretty all the time. Who do you think you are?” Tiffany rolled her eyes.

  She snatched up her own pink dress and stalked to the door.

  “The world doesn’t revolve around you, Alison,” She spat. “Get that into your dainty little mind that mummy doesn’t want to hurt.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2012 ⏰

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