16 // Him

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I awaken the next morning, finding myself cluster up by Aruem and Yoonsuh. "What are you guys doing?!" I murmur, propping myself to my elbow, waiting for their response.
"Well, recall how you got back last night?" Yoonsuh giggles.
"Ya~ you're so embarrassing," Aruem adds in.
I hiss, "I must of fell asleep after a few drinks."
"You were so tired yesterday, why'd you drink?" Aruem questions.
"I guess I wanted to sleep well." I laugh.
"I bet you did." Yoonsuh snickers running to the closet.
"Anywho, we're going skiing today. You knocked out so that explains why you didn't know. C'mon, they're just waiting for us." Says Aruem pulling me out of bed and encouraging me to hastily get ready.

Upon arriving downstairs, we find ourselves within danger's grasp. There they stood, boldly watching us make our way over. And nothing came to mind besides the thought of wanting to go back to bed.
"You guys ready to ski?!" Dk exclaims from the lobby corridor.
"What's she doing here?" Yoonsuh utters vexatiously. Seeing that Jihyo and Chaeyoung's eyes didn't waver.
"Who knows." My heart was heavy as I wasn't expecting her here after the whole incident. But I assumed since the trip has been paid she mind as well come. And I could see Aruem was full of unsettling feelings.
"Oh boy." Yoonsuh sighs before we closed in on them.
"Look who's finally up." Jihyo mocks, "I guess it's true, early birds do get the worms."
This left us a little puzzled as we didn't understand what she meant.
"Can you shut up?!" Yoonsuh snaps back, chuckling at her statement.
"Woah~ chill you guys!" Dk breaks in stopping the elevating bickering. "Why don't we take in our daily breaths. Inhale... Exhale." He practices before us and soon realized no one cared.
"What a saint you are, Dk." Chaeyoung says, patting his shoulder. "But now's not the time for that."
Yoonsuh scoffs under her breath, and as she was just about to make another remark, I cool wittedly pull her back in place, addressing today's ski event watching the others from the corner of my eyes making their approach and soon enough they joined and off we left for the ski resort.

The wind blew vigorously and yet that didn't stop us from having fun. Everyone else left for the bigger hill meanwhile we were left for behind with Minghao and Jun to practice and learn the basics to ski. And in no time we slowly got the hang of it, but still not quite ready for anything new.
Amazing they somehow convinced us to head on over to the bigger hill and here we were, standing tall at the top. Our stomachs slowly growing a demon we couldn't shake off.
"I don't think I'm ready for this.." Ariel wails.
Yoonsuh and I looked over and couldn't of agree more. Just how exactly did these two convince us to do this?
"C-can we go back down?" My lips quivers at the sight of the hill. Already imagining myself tumbling down and maybe breaking a few bones.
Minghao rolls his eyes sarcastically. "Ya, Bom. This isn't even the big hill. You'll be fine."
"You see these kids? Don't be embarrassing now." Jun adds in.
Yoonsuh immediately snickers, "you guys aren't helping at ALL~!"
And just like that without letting her finish her last words, Jun pushes Yoonsuh down the hill. Nothing but screams of terror came out by she did great making her way to the bottom.
Jun eyes us. "Who's next?"
I stutter, "I rather have stayed behiiiiind!~"
Little did I suspect, Jun shoves me down the hill just as he did with Yoonsuh. The thrill was unexplainable. As much as I was feeling fear, it was gone the moment I went down. Like a bubble dispersing into thin air. My fear was no different.

Back in the lodge, we sat there warming our buns up by the fireplace, and soon enough after all the torment Jun and Minghao put us through, Aruem had an upset stomach. Thankfully, overly prepared Yoonsuh had some tablets in her locker and went to retrieve them.
"Are you feeling any better?" I asked, brushing my hand against her back.
She chuckles, "yeah, definitely better now than when I was going down that hill." She retches and gags. "You know what, I'll take that back. I don't think I'm doing too well. I will be right back."
It's been a long day of Jun and Minghao 'bullying' us out there, I couldn't blame her for feeling any different.

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