245 days before

518 26 3

Evan peters as Jace bc he is hot as fuck.

Last night was a wreck and I decided to forget about it. I came into find my mother crying at the table with a bottle of whine in her hand. I never wanted to remember it.

Today should be different. My dad comes back and we are going on this family meal. I didn't exactly know what to expect. Tonight I would tell them about me and Jace and hopefully they will agree with me and let us go our separate ways.

It's sad to say that if we do I doubt me and him would even be friends anymore. I can't look at him without thinking I am forced to. I knew he felt the same.

There was a quiet knock at my door and then in strolled my brother all suited up. He passed me his tie and I smiled at his childish ways. Seventeen and still can't tie his tie. But I liked doing it for him, it reminded me he was still my little brother even if it was by on year.

I did his tie and patted shirt down, smiling up at him. He maybe my little brother but he was a lot taller than me, he was lean, he had the same bright green eyes as me and his hair was a light brown that he styled in a quiff, his small curls peaking out.

"Tonight's gonna be hell." He sighed making me frown.

"Let's just give it a chance."


My dad hadn't picked the fanciest restaurant but it was still posh. The waiters all smartly suited,the tables lit with candels, people in fancy dresses, mostly snobs. Let the fun begging.

"So Arabella how's everything with school?" My farther asked, scanning the menu. It wasn't like he really cared he just wanted to start conversation.

"It's good I guess, my grades are good and I am keeping up with everything just fine." My dad would always ask this question and I would answer the same.

"And Jace what about the two of you?" But my dad was interrupted by the boy with a note book ready to serve us.

No way in earth was that him... And Harry gave me the same exact look I was giving him. For crying out loud, he's everywhere I go! I turned away not wanting to look at him.

"I will have a red wine, my wife will have orange juice and I'm guessing these kids will want coke." He took our orders for us, like always taking control.

"Change that orange juice to a whiskey please." My mother chimed in.

"Don't." My dad ordered him.

"You aren't in control of what I drink!" My mother started to loose her temper and I kicked her under the table reminding her we was in public. "Fine I will have an orange." She put on the most fakest of fake smiles I had ever seen. It was painfully bad.

Harry took our orders and walked off. Thank god he was gone, hopefully he would ask to change with someone else because I don't think I could stand getting him come to our table every five minutes.

"So what about you and Jace, we got interrupted." My father carried on.

This was the great time to tell him that things aren't going so fine and that I wanted out. I didn't know how to approach the situation but I did.

"Actually not so grate." I sighed waiting for his reaction.

"Oh and why is that?" He asked eye brow cocked up.

I wanted to say because he is a cheating scum like you and surprisingly I don't want to end up like my mother. But of course I couldn't say that, I wish I could but I couldn't.

"We just aren't in love anymore." I decided to just say that even though we was never in love in the first place.

"Then make yourselves fall in love. That boy will provide you with everything you need." I wanted to scream in his face and tell him that I don't need a man to love but Harry came back with our drinks.

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