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Jiang Cheng was pacing in front of the hospital's VIP room with so many thoughts running in his head. He wanted to go straight to Wei Ying's house and dragged that stubborn a** person here even if it meant having to knock him out and put him in the sack. Nevertheless, he wouldn't risk upsetting Lan Zhan again, for the scene from yesterday still made him break into cold sweats. It is said that the pregnancy hormone was not to be taken lightly, and he intended to heed this advice. Not only did he be killed by Wei Ying before he could marry Xichen if anything were to happen to the pregnant man, but he also wouldn't be able to forgive himself. As such, the only thing he could do now was to be patient and wait for the good news from Lan Zhan, for the latter texted him yesterday that he would convince Wei Ying to come.

Nevertheless, it wasn't one of his best specialties when it came to staying calm. The wait with no news drove him crazy, making his eyebrows drawn together and almost forming into one line due to his frown. Pacing back and forth on the marble floor to the point that it almost abraded the ground, Jiang Cheng was clutching his phone and kept looking at it once every two minutes to see if there were any incoming texts or calls. Once there wasn't, he groaned and continued with his pace, each time quicker than the previous one. Just then, the phone in his hand vibrated, making him stop short in his track and unlocking his phone immediately to read the text. After a gasp, he broke into a run without caring about the eyes the nurses were giving him.

Qiren was lying on the hospital bed, eyes closed but awake, and his left hand was covered with tubes and wires. His body was heavy even to move, while his chest felt tight at the struggle for breath. With a glance, one would have thought the older man was no longer with us if it weren't for the occasional oxygen mask turning foggy, indicating that he was still breathing. Nevertheless, as weak as he was, the moment he heard the creaking sound of the door, Qiren tried his best to open his eyes and looked at the approaching figure that seemed blurry to his vision.

"Jiang Cheng, did...you...find him?" Qiren weakly asked the blurry figure who was walking towards his bed in silence, "Did he...agree to come?"

Each word was spoken with difficulties, yet he put his effort to finish, for he really wanted to hear the answer. It was just yesterday when Jiang Cheng told him he had found where Wei Ying had moved. But on that very same day, Qiren collapsed in his office due to his hypertension and emotional distress. The moment he came to, he asked Jiang Cheng to help bring Wei Ying to him right away, for he wanted to see his son for the last time.

Though the question had been asked, the answer was not given, leaving the room in total silence. Qiren took this as a hint that Jiang Cheng couldn't make Wei Ying come to see him.

Right, why would he even care if I am about to die? In his heart, I was dead a long time ago, Qiren thought to himself as he swallowed back his tears and the lump on his throat.

"You look bad."

Qiren's eyes widened at the unfamiliar voice that did not belong to Jiang Cheng. He tried blinking to make the cloudiness vanish from his vision to which it was only a little success. Still, even though the voice and the appearance had changed over the years, there was no way Qiren wouldn't be able to identify his own flesh and kin. The very one he longed to meet.

His son.

His Wei Ying.

Tears began to roll down the older man's cheeks, blurring his vision once again. He was oscillating between joy and surprise, which rendered him speechless.

In his early sixties, the sight of a man crying like a baby made Wei Ying sighed before he picked up his words.

"Lan Zhan was right. I might live my life with remorse if I missed this chance," said Wei Ying as he went to pull a chair to sit next to the bed, "I know you may have me tracked and learn all about me; still, I wanted to tell you this myself. Lan Zhan is my husband.

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