The story begins

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I saw the lights at the end of the tunnel. They were shining bright white,and they looked like they want to swallow me. I wonder how would it feel. I come closer.
 I feel a little warmth on my hands,my face... 
Wait. My face is wet as well. Did I have the setup on me for too long? Oh. I guess I gotta go back then. 

I run back to the spawn station. This place is too beautiful for me. I open the menu and choose the shut down option. I take of my VR headset. 
My face got really sweaty this time. But it wasn't always like that. I could go hours in surreality ,but now I can barely last few hours without my face going wet from all the sweat and tears. 
Might be becouse I had this setup for a few years now. I should buy I new one,but I don't really have the resources for that. I guess I'll have to look up some work. I just hope I won't have to go outside. It's the lowest you can go and the jobs aren't paid that good.

I start thinking about what happened in the surreality . It was kinda familiar to me but I have no idea what could've it been. It's like Déjà vu but without the first time happening. It feels weird. I'm having goosebumps. It's like something happened in the past,but someone erased it. I heard that they can do it. The gov. 
But nah. I'm just being paranoid. I think they don't do it anymore. They did it a lot in the past,but they stopped decades ago. Or ,at least,that's what the internet and textbooks say.

I look at the time and realise I haven't eaten for 8 hours. I go to the fridge and take out some food. I heat it up in the oven. Luckily it's preheated,so it doesn't take long,and I can eat. It's tasty. It's one of those random taste foods that you buy in grocery store on NwWrld5 or just NW5 as I call it. It's just few portals away from here,the NwWrld9. The food is cool.
 Everytime you eat it it has different taste and smell. The only thing that doesn't change is texture. This one is sweet and little sour. It matches the texture, it's little slimey but also kinda crunchy. It's my second favourite one. The first one is crunchy but you can melt it as well.

I feel like I need to drink something. I think it's called thirst. I go up to the sink and fill my hands with clear liquid,water. It has no significant taste. It's cold and fresh. My hand are wet now too. I wipe my hand into my top.
I'm still in my sleeping suit. It's Mikaru,animated character inspired by the old school Pikachu. Luna designed it . they're really good at artsy stuff. They have a streaming channel. They combine art with gaming, sometimes they do fanarts for game characters. They also play one of the games I designed. It's called Hari and it's one of my favourite ones. It really helped it become popular,becouse she played it on their stream.

I should get changed if I want to get some work. I'm not sure if I should go with my style,or just the basic bussines one.
I end up wearing a tall hat with tiny clock wheels on it,a brown vest,white shirt,and no trousers. No one's gonna see the bottom part of me,so it doesn't matter. A take on some gloves,and start looking for work.

I check my bussines profile first. There's a few commissions already. That's good, but I think I will need a few more to get my self a new setup. Or I will have to make a new game. That would take some time,and that's not what I have. I need the money now. Also I have my birthday in few months, so I will check on some of my subscriptions, I should have some for food or technics,they usually have some birthday giveaways.

The first commission is for someone new. That's good. It would be amazing,they could become a member. It's a pet drawing. Wait,they want me to mix the pet with their OC? Cool. i štart working. I pull out my tablet. It also needs a little upgrade. This one is pretty old,but it works like new. That's really fortunate for me. I'm not drowning in money right now. I start sketching. It goes really easy today. The inspo comes fast. After few hours the work is done. I struggled a little bit with the lineart. Should I send it right now? Whatever,let's do it. 
First commission sent! Let's hope they'll like it. 
Now I'm gonna check on other commissions. I should do some easier ones,that take less time. I need the money now,not later. 
I go to my page and start scrolling again, luckily this time,I found good ones real fast. I need to make maybe like 4 more? I don't know. Anyway let's start working. 

#few moments later#

Woohoo,I'm finally done. It took longer than I thought. I got little too deep on the last one. I really liked the commission. It was really cool. 
I only need a few more money,but I've had enough drawing for today. I might just check some other work. 
Oh look. This person wants me to design their website. I like doing that... And they offer a decent amount of money for that. Cool.

I started working. It was going pretty well until the whole thing started glitching . I started thinking that maybe I should've saved the design. Now I'm going to lose everything I have made over the course of the last hour. Well... Fuck... .
Hell no,I have to start over. All of my work... No!! I'm a dumbass. I really have to upgrade my setup. This shit is starting to get old.
I think, actually,I should get the newest stuff,so it last longer. I think I will get the new.....

To be continued....
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Ily y'all.

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