Chapter 5...

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I walk out the house with Jordan's jacket folded over my arm. I give it one last sniff before I start walking down the street to Jordan's house. "I wonder if I should ask Jordan to hangout today?" I think aloud. Suddenly I have a flash back to last nights kiss and I start to blush. I would love for that to happen again...

I finally reach Jordan's house and as I'm about to ring the doorbell I see that the door is cracked open. "Hello" I call out. I can hear too voices coming from inside the house. I push open the door and walk in. As I get closer I can make out what is being said. I recognize Jordan's voice but I have no idea who the second voice is. I get a little closer to see Jordan and this beautiful girl, she's mixed with hazel eyes and long loose curls. "Who is this girl?" I think to myself.

Jordan: I can't deal with this right now....

???: Why not?

Jordan: I have other things to focus on

???: But I still love you Jordan...

Jordan: .....

Jordan looks away and the girl spots me from around the corner. She looks into my eyes for a second then pulls Jordan into a hug.

Jordan: No I don't-

Jordan is cut off buy a kiss from that girl. My heart starts to beat fast and tears start running down my face. Jordan turns around and see's me, "Shit" she says under her breath. I drop Jordan's jacket and run out the house. "SAMANTHA!!!! She yells. I ignore her and keep running....

The Girl from the GymWhere stories live. Discover now