Chapter eighteen

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Tw:,slurs including the f-slur,bullying,mentions of suicide,mentions of self-harm

At 7.43 am Stan arrived at school. He was a bit later than usual since he barely got sleep at night. His parents were arguing almost the whole night, which kept him awake.

He locked his bike and saw his friends standing somewhere in front of the school. He walked towards them and what he directly saw was Ben and Bev were holding hands? Yeah, Bill and Beverly aren't dating anymore, but he didn't expect Beverly to find someone new so fast, but that must be the privilege of being pretty.

"So you started dating yesterday?" Eddie asked "Yeah. We both had a crush on each other and then everything kinda walked it's own path" Ben smiled "well we are all happy for you guys" Mike said, he was still dating Jackie and they seem to have no problems in their relationship.

Bill saw Stan walking towards them and his before moody face lit up and he smiled brightly "Hey Stanny" He said. Stan looked at Bill and smiled too maybe even blushed "Hey Bill" He stopped in front of Bill and looked at him. "Too bad we don't have any classes together today" Bill sighed "Yeah, but I'll see you at lunch" Stan smiled.

The bell rung and all of the students headed to their classes. Stan had social studies now. He entered the classroom and sat down. The teacher entered the room a few minutes later. She started the lesson and all of the students were clearly bored.

After class Stanley went to his locker. He needed to get a new book for the next lesson. He opened his locker, but suddenly someone slammed the locker closed again. Stanley got scared and started breathing heavily. He looked to the side, seeing Henry with that terrifying smirk on. "Flamer" He grabbed Stanley by his shoulder and pushed him against the lockers. Stan was scared. He looked at Henry with wide eyes and a extremely terrified expression.

Henry threw Stanley to the floor. Meanwhile, the bell rang, and all the students went to their classrooms. Henry's other gang members came out of nowhere and all of them were standing around Stan "This is the rest from last time" Henry smirked and suddenly all of them started kicking and punching Stan. Stan curled up on the floor and tried to save him face with his hands, he was also silently crying.

While they all were hurting Stan physically Henry started screaming bad things and insults at him too...

"No one loves you!"
"You are just a useless faggot!"
"Kill yourself!"
"Nobody will miss you!"

All of them stopped and Henry pulled Stanley harshly by his arm up, which made his sleeve roll down. Henry looked at Stan's arm and smirks "is flamer cutting himself" he started laughing psychotic "well that's a good start. Next time you should try your fucking wrist. but deeper." Henry said. He threw Stan on the floor again and Henry and his gang walked away.

Stan lie curled up on the floor, his hands were covering his face and he was silently crying. He couldn't get up at least not without help. A door on the hallway opened and a teacher came out. She saw Stan and walked up to him "Oh my god! Do you need help?" She held her arm out for Stan. He reached her arm and she pulled him up "You should go to the nurse" She looked at him pretty worried "Do you want me to bring you or can you go alone?"
"I'll go alone. Thank you" He teacher nodded and went back to her classroom.

Stan limped to the nurse's office. He knocked on the door and a woman with long blond hair opened the door "oh god.come in" she said, "sit down".
Stan sat down on the sickbed they had there. She got some ice out of the freezer "what happened to you?" He wanted to tell her the truth, but if Henry finds out he would probably get another beating. that's why he decided to lie "Umm I fell down the stairs" his answer sounded more like a question, but she seemed to believe him.

She gave Stan some ice to cool the blue eye he had"maybe you should go home to rest" Stan nodded, stood up, and left without saying a word.
As soon as he got out of the nurse's office.
He started crying.

He walked as fast as he could towards the exit door of the school when he heard someone saying his name...


He turned around to see Bill standing at the other end of the hallway. They both looked at each other until Stan's crying became heavier. Bill could barely see that Stan was crying, but what he noticed was that Stan was clearly not okay. He ran towards Stan, but Stan didn't want Bill to see him like that right now, so he left the school as fast as he could.


But Bill knew Stan couldn't hear him or maybe even didn't want to hear him. He sighed.

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