The Dungeon

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*Doing something*

Jerry: 'Uhhhh, where am I?'.

Currently on the 5th Floor of the Dungeon.

Jerry: "Jeez, you played Terraria for a bit, and the next thing you know you're in a cave".

*Looks at himself.

Jerry: "What the... Am I my character?".

*Take off the hood of the armor.

Jerry: "Oh my God, I even have my Chlorophyte armor Sweet!!".

*Looks up.

Jerry: "Oh my goodness, my Leaf Crystal!!".

Jerry then heard a heavy growling behind his back and froze when he saw the Minotaur.

Jerry: "Oh hi friend(nervous chuckling), can you not attack me, please?".

The Minotaur screamed in rage and charged at him.

Jerry : AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jerry ran away screaming while his Leaf Crystal was slowly draining the Minotaur's health until he bumping into someone, a dude with white hair and red eyes, until he also saw the Minotaur and begun running, they ran together until they were cornered into a wall.

???: "What should we do?!"

Jerry: "Why are you asking me?!"

They both were backed up against the wall and the Minotaur were right in front of them, both of them quickly closed their eyes and accepted their fate.


The dude with white hair was fully covered in blood and Jerry was not for some reason, in front of them was a beautiful lady with long blonde hair and yellow eyes and was tilted her head at them, the dude with the white hair looked like someone who experiencing love at his first sight while Jerry was trying to process everything in his brain, later both of them walked together to exit the Dungeon.

??? : "So..umm, nice to meet you".

Jerry: "Right back at ya Buckaroo!"

??? : (confused)"What?".

Jerry: "Nothing".

??? : "Damn, being an adventurer is harder than I thought, anyway what's your name?".

Jerry: "Call me Jerry, and you?".

??? : "My name is Bell Cranel".

Jerry: "I see". 'Who names their kids Bell?'.

Bell: "So uhhhh... Do you wanna be my friends?".

Jerry: "Sure, why not".

Bell and Jerry walked together but Jerry noticed that people were eyeing Bell probably because he is literally covered in blood but he doesn't even notice that other people were looking at him eventually they got into the Guild and was met with a half-elf girl with glasses, she looked like she was gonna past out because of what state Bell in.

Jerry: "Well, I'm gonna go on my way".

Bell: "Okay, see you soon!".

Jerry and Bell split off to do their own business, Jerry went off to the city and at the end of the day, Jerry just realizes that he doesn't have a place to stay.

Jerry: "Okay now, I need to get some woods from nearby tree".

Later Jerry created a box house from woods with a bed and torches on the inside, and with that finished he past out, The next day Jerry went out to the city and went into a bookstore to get information about the world he currently lived in and he found it interesting about this world because of this world inhabitants, things like adventurers, the Dungeon, and another bunch of stuffs. And so he wanted to become an adventurer and fight the monsters, with the legendary equipment he thinks he handle himself so then he went into the adventurer guild to registered as an adventurer. The guild didn't accept his registration because he didn't joined in any Familia, so then he walking around the city district and asking some of the Familia to let him joined them but none of the famous Familia want to take him in, so after he went around the district and feeling disappointed he choose to go back home, at the trip to his home he sees Bell that was looking at some pieces of armor at the equipment store.

Jerry: "Hey!!, are you want to window shopping or what?".

Bell: "Oh hey Jerry, it's nice to see you again".

Jerry : (looking at the armor in the window)"Are you interested in those armor?".

Bell: "Yes!, Oh sorry about that".

Jerry: "For what you apologize for I tell what I'll make you some armor, how about that?".

Bell: "No it's ok, I swear".

Jerry: "Nonsense, you're coming with me!".

With that being said Jerry put his arms around Bell's shoulder and went home to make sure to giving him the best armor he will make.

(Rewritten) Terraria X Danmachi [Dead & Abandoned]Where stories live. Discover now