What's a Familia?

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Sorry for the delayed update

*Doing something*

Bell: "Where are we going?".

Jerry: "To my house".

Bell and Jerry finally arrived at Jerry's woodbox house.

Jerry: 'Wait, how did I even open my inventory in fact why did I just realized it now?!'.

Bell: "Are you okay?"

Jerry: "Yeah, I'm fine" ('No, I am not').

Bell: "This is a very unique house, and how did even have a shape like a box?"

Jerry: "I make this house from scratch".

Bell: "Really?!" (glittering eyes).

Jerry: "Uhhh... yeah, Ahem anyway what kind of armor which is you preferred?"

Bell: "Wha? Oh umm... perhaps light armor?

Jerry: "So you one of those people that like to hit and run huh?"

Bell: "Yeah, I guess?"

Jerry: "Well, that's great! You can come back soon when I finished the armor."

Bell: "Thank you and see you next time!"

Jerry waved and then get inside the woodhouse and start pondering about how to open his inventory.

Jerry: "Aha! Inventory!"

*cricket sound*

Jerry: 'That didn't work, how about I imagine if there is a floating window in front of me?'

And like a switch turned on, an Inventory tab appeared like a floating window in front of him.

Jerry: "YES!!! Wait, is that the HERO's mod tab?"

In the windows there is only the chest icon that appeared, he clicked the chest icon(Item Browser) and another window appeared that displayed all items in Terraria even the modded one, he clicked the torch icon and look and behold there is a torch in his hand.

Jerry: "Woah, this is AMAZING!!! I am gonna have so much fun with this, I am technically a god!".

Jerry exclaimed happily because not only he can instant crafting he also can summon items and now he was scrolling through the list of items.

Jerry: 'Wait, if I can summon and instant craft the items, does that mean Boss checklist and recipe browser is also working?'

Sadly the Boss checklist doesn't work but the recipe browser does, that was a skill blacksmiths especially Hepheustus Familia would have at all cost, Jerry tried all sorts of things the browser tab could like summoning the Healing Probe from his Biotech armor that can constantly heal him, Jerry felt like he could enjoy a better life, he didn't even like his old world that much, going in high school and suffering from the constant problem called Math and bunch of other stuff and in this world, he can go for an adventure and have the power to take on everything this world can throw at him. He tried to summon the Terra Blade from his inventory and when he gripped the sword suddenly he felt a killer headache like there is someone shove a rock through his head and when it's gone he suddenly can use the sword like an expert and knew how to fight using it, he tried the sword for a spin and it shot out a bunch of green projectile swords. If he wasn't feeling ecstatic before he was now, he could have fame and so much money except he didn't like girls suddenly interested in him, and with that, he wore his Nymph's Perfume to prevent the Lovestruck effect.

(Rewritten) Terraria X Danmachi [Dead & Abandoned]Where stories live. Discover now