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After spending the day with Greta, I needed someone to distract her so I could check out this Ludwig. Who better to do that than Belle? We went back to the hotel, and I found the three amigos in the lobby. That's perfect.

We walked over to the three musketeers.

"Where have you been?" Hans exclaimed, looking at Greta.

"Dante and I spent the day together. Why?" Greta asked.

Before Hans could answer, I clamped my hand over his mouth. "Hans worries about you as any wonderful brother would do. Belle? Why don't you take Greta shopping?" I suggested.

"I'm not sure what type of stores are here," Belle mentioned.

Hans talked with my hand over his mouth, muffling him. Damien arched an eyebrow.

"Look, here's my credit card. Go nuts," I offered, handing Greta my card.

"Okay," Greta said, taking my card from me. Belle and Greta left.

Once they were out of sight, Hans licked my hand. I yanked my hand back and wiped it on Hans.

"Was that necessary?" I questioned.

"Well, if you put something over my mouth, expect me to lick it. It's a necessity," Hans answered shrugging.

"That's gross," I said, pointing at Hans.

Hans shrugged.

"Why did you get rid of the girls?" Damien asked me.

"Because I had a chance to find out about this, Ludwig," I replied.

"You mean the same Ludwig that I told you about, but you thought I made it up. That same Ludwig," Hans mentioned sarcastically.

I gave Hans an annoyed look and rolled my eyes. "Yes, because with you, one can never tell," I retorted.

Yeah, Hans looked at me with irritation. It's not my fault that the guy is out in the left-field most of the time.

"Can we focus? I didn't come here for an undercover assignment and would like to spend time with Belle," Damien mentioned.

"Hold that thought," I mentioned, turning and strolling over to the front desk.

"What's Dante doing?" Damien asked Hans.

"Beats the hell out of me," Hans answered.

I pressed the bell, and a girl came out from the back.

"Can I help you?" The girl asked.

"Yes, I heard Ludwig was here, and we're meeting for a business venture. He forgot to contact me because he's absentminded. I wondered if you could direct me to what floor he's on," I answered, smiling.

"Sir, I can't disclose the guest's rooms. It's against company policy," the girl informed me.

"I wouldn't expect disclosure because that's wrong. I thought that I would send Ludwig a gift basket," I lied.

"Sorry, I can't give you the information," the girl responded.

"Thanks anyway," I replied, walking away. I walked over to Hans and Damien.

"Well," Damien asked.

"No luck with getting information from the front desk. The person wouldn't even give me the floor number," I grumbled.

"Because no hotel does that. Everyone knows this," Damien reminded me.

I rolled my eyes.

"If you want to know who Ludwig is, why not have the guy that knows him, point him out?" Damien questioned, pointing at Hans.

Greta Meets The Big Bad WolfWhere stories live. Discover now