That's Fucked Up~Deadpool x Reader (Part 2)

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*This chapter is where the real shit goes down y'all. Also most of it is what Deadpool is seeing and the reader has no clue what's going on*

*Female Reader*

*Part 2/3*

*Fandom: Marvel/Deadpool*

*Warnings: this is the part where there is blood and torture and death! Also you get to know what was in the stalker's letter and it's super creepy and gross and I did not like writing it. Mentions of rape and cannibalism. If you are sensitive to these kinds of things, please be careful*


You did as you were told and stayed in your room. Meanwhile, Deadpool went to work.

It didn't take long for him to find the creep. The stalker turned his head, cocking his head to the side when he noticed the mercenary.

"What the hell are you, some kinda clown?"

"Nah, baby," Deadpool chuckled lowly, "I'm about to be your worst nightmare."

The stalker had no time to react as Deadpool pulled out a pistol, promptly hitting said creep hard on the head with the butt of it. The stalker fell to the ground, unconscious. But Wade wasn't finished.

Wade grabbed a kitchen chair, propping the creep up onto it. He found some washcloths and used those to tie the stalker to the chair. Things were about to get bloody, and he hoped the pretty lady upstairs would forgive him for ruining some of her nice washcloths.

Wade rummaged around in the stalker's pockets, eventually finding a wallet. He found an ID. Bingo.

The man's name was Hal Jackson, age 38. Not much to go off of, but that was all Wade needed.

Wade filled a cup with ice water and dumped it on Hal's head. Hal awoke with a start and began panicking once he realized the situation he was in. He looked up at Wade with wide eyes.

"H-hey, look man, I don't want any trouble, ple-"

"Ohoho," Wade chuckled. "You don't want trouble? Well you sure seem to be asking for it."

"Whatever the girl told you, it isn't true!"

"Oh? And you're....what? Some innocent bystander who happened to stumble into the wrong house? Through a broken in window?"

"Damn it, just-just let me go! I wasn't gonna hurt her!"

Wade scoffed. "Well, this," he said, pulling out the letter, "sure as hell says otherwise, Hal."

"H-how did you...I-I didn't write that! She...she must have...forged it or-"

Wade pulled out a knife and held it against Hal's throat. "Shut the fuck up, will ya? Damn, you are a bad liar."

Wade lifted the blade, trailing it down Hal's cheek. Hal cried out in pain as droplets of blood slid down his face. "Let's review here, shall we?" Wade suggested, and began to read out the letter.

"'My Dearest Darling, you still have not replied to me, and continue to refuse to acknowledge my existence.' Wow Hal, quite the vocabulary you've got there! Ever think she did that because you," Wade trailed the blade down the other cheek, "freaked her out?"

Hal didn't respond, only wincing at the blade's touch, so Wade continued. "'This is your only warning. In two days time, I will come to your home and take what is mine.' You realize how fucked up that sounds? And that's not even the worst of it!"

Wade abruptly dug the knife into Hal's thigh, illiciting a scream from the man.

"Let's continue shall we? 'Maybe I should tell you what to prepare for. When I come, the first thing will be to tie you to your bed. Gagged, of course. Don't want to risk either of us getting hurt, do we? After that, I will-'" Wade paused, tensing up and taking a shuddery breath. "'After that, I will...use you for whatever I wish. All of my fantasies will come true. I hope you like knives.'"

Wade stopped to yank out the knife and stab it into the other thigh. Hal screamed once more.

"Please, please, let me go," Hal pleaded, tears streaming down his face, mixing with the blood from the cuts on his cheeks.

Wade laughed. "Let you go? Oh no no no. Do you not realize why this is happening?" He returned to the letter.

"'I've always wanted to drink your blood. I'm sure it's as tasty and sweet as you look. And what then? I'd love for you to carry my children. As many as possible. I don't care if you disagree. You will be mine to use. But I can't allow anyone to find you...'"

Wade scowled underneath the mask. He couldn't bring himself to continue. "You're a sick, sick man, Hal," he said, and tore the knife from Hal's thigh. He twirled it around for a moment, watching Hal sob. Without warning, he plunged the knife into Hal's stomach. Hal gasped, his breathing becoming ragged and uneven.

"You know, I expected more fight from a man who threatened to kill and eat anyone who found Jade. And then you planned to eat her when you were done with her? This is why I do this job, to save innocent people like her from depraved psychos like you," Wade spat out.

Wade pulled out his pistol from before, pressing it in the center of Hal's forehead. He ignored the man's pleas. They meant nothing.

"Hasta la vista, baby," Wade said, and pulled the trigger.

You heard the gunshot from upstairs, making you nearly jump out of your skin. You had heard all the screams and yells from before, and those had been awful. But now it was silent, and that was infinitely worse. You silently hoped that Wade hadn't been hurt, even if you knew he couldn't die. You didn't know what you would do if he had lost.

You heard footsteps trodding up the stairs and tensed. The footsteps came closer, and then the door handle turned.

And in walked Wade.

You shot up from your seat at the edge of the bed and rushed toward him, wrapping your arms around his torso as you began sobbing.

"Woah, babycakes, I'm kinda covered in blood," he chuckled, and you shook your head.

"Don't care," you choked out.

He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you. "I took care of him, don't worry. He can't do anything to you. I'll help you get the blood out of everything."

"Thank you."

"Hey, honey, I'm just doing my job."

"I don't care," you told him, pulling away just enough to look up at his face. "You saved my life. Thank you."

You stood there for a moment, just looking into each other's eyes. Until Wade cleared his throat. "Well, uh, I should probably go get rid of the body."

"You're coming back, right?" you asked, worry beginning to settle in again. Wade seemed to notice this.

"Hey, hey, of course I'm coming back," he reassured you. "I'll clean everything up, and then I'll meet you right back here. How about I pick up a pizza?"

You nodded. "Yeah, yeah, that sounds good."

"Okay, then I'll be back later. Oh, and you may wanna change into not-bloody clothes," he said, and then he slipped out the door again.

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