New Beginnings -Claire

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Great it’s the first day of boarding school -well more like boring school. Absolutely great. This is sarcasm because I hate school!! And guess what we have P.E first thing. Worst possible way to start the day. I’m a writer and drawer naturally –not a P.E person at all.

I’ll probably be tagging after my primary buddies till year 11. They’re not really my buddies –they’re in their happy group at the back of the bus whilst I’m sitting next to Mr Invisible instead.

I’m writing this on the school bus by the way. Like I said, writing’s more my thing than physical stuff.

We don’t have school uniform. Well there is a sort of P.E kit but it’s just a white T-shirt and blue shorts or tracksuit. So far there have been 4 people who have a sort of uniform. These people must be the super-rich ones.

Oh great. The bus has just stopped so let the 1st day begin. But to be honest the day has already began...

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