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Every day, children go to sleep hearing the fairy tale of the four kingdoms. But little do they know, everything from the fairy tale is real: the creatures, the characters, the kingdoms, and the magic except for one thing, the whole story is a lie. The peace, the happiness, and the happy ending are all lies. And the worse part is there are no heroes in these four kingdoms, the characters who are supposed to be heroes are just nobodies in this fairy tale universe. Now, nobody in the fairy tale universe knows about this whole other dimension where their universe is just a fake story. To the people who are living in this fairy tale universe, there are just four kingdoms. In the fairy tale, the four kingdoms represent truth, freedom, perseverance, and love. But in reality these kingdoms represented fear, anger, sadness, and death. These four kingdoms are Timor, Furorem, Maeror, and Mortem. Though, these kingdoms themselves don't know what they represent, one outside look is all it takes for someone to know what they represent. The kingdom Timor secluded itself from other kingdoms and is very secretive. Though a war hasn't started yet, everybody knows Timor will just support the kingdom who has the most land which is Furorem. They know this because in previous wars, Timor did this. Timor has the least population out of all four kingdoms but still has a royal family. It is ruled by King Scio Manoban, Queen Helena Manoban, Princess Lisa Manoban, and Princess Nancy Manoban. People would describe the king and queen as people who hide their true selves and very boring. As for the princesses, Princess Lisa is very cunning and tactical but appears sweet and mischievous while Princess Nancy hides herself behind her sister.  The kingdom of Furorem has the most land right now and are very aggressive. They believe themselves to be superior to others and are very impatient. The kingdom of Furorem are ruled by King Harold Kim, Queen Corinne Kim, Princess Jennie Kim, and Prince Jimin Kim. The king and queen are always impatient and aggressive. The King is obsessed with getting more land without considering how many lives it cost. The queen goes with whatever the king says when he is there but when he isn't she takes charge and commands everybody else. Princess Jennie Kim has a very close relationship with her father and loves going over the battle plans with him but unlike her father, Jennie isn't hot headed. She knows how to control her temper very well. Prince Jimin Kim also has a close relationship with their father because of their shared interest of Fire Dragons but has a bad relationship with his mother. He and his father plan to capture them. Prince Jimin Kim is considered as a "handsome devil". He is flirty but evil. Next is the kingdom of Maeror which is in a devastated state because of the rulers. The kingdom of Maeror harbors many natural disasters and crimes happen often but the the royal family still mourns the death of their oldest child, Jinyoung still even though it has been two years. It is ruled by King Park Devian, Queen Park Sonia, and Princess Park Chaeyoung. The king and queen just sit in their rooms the whole day and seem to have no care for their kingdom ever since Prince Jinyoung died. Princess Park Chaeyoung on the other hand is a spoiled lady who takes her parents' state for granted so she can get or do anything she wants. The last kingdom is the kingdom of Mortem. The kingdom of Mortem's inhabitants are both ghosts and humans. That is why it has the most population. It is ruled by King Cha The 3rd, Queen Juliet, Princess Jisoo, and Prince Jungkook. The king and queen are very patient, observant, and strict people. They also think taking lives will result in more population growth which they consider good so each year they have a game where they get 25 adults to go into the Mourning Forest and have to survive in the forest for six months but in the forest reside poison and dangerous creatures. The princess is described as a crazy person and often makes rude remarks. Prince Jungkook is like his parents and is very strict and he loves punishing people even if they have done nothing wrong. All four of the kingdoms are messed up in their own ways but what if the heirs have to work together? This world that they live in is in danger and they have to save it but at what cost? Also, what if humans come to the fairy tale reality? And what if the heroes who are nobodies in this reality read the fairy tale? And the most important question of all, will they be able to save the fairy tale reality?

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