06 - Who Will Go?

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King Harold asked Chaeyoung who was sitting quietly this whole time, "Do you know of any Maeror's treasures that hold power to seal the rip?"

Chaeyoung replied, "Well, there is one, my lord but I didn't know if it could seal a rip. It isn't really a treasure, it's more of a legend. Three generations ago, Queen Jasmine and King Aladdin founded Maeror and there's a legend that Aladdin had a lamp that would give you three wishes if you rubbed it but I don't know if a wish can help fix this problem. Besides, the lamp has to made again according to the legend. Apparently it has to made of a hundred year old mermaid pearl, a piece of Cupid's arrow, the tooth of a fire dragon and a tooth of an ice dragon, a pegasus horn, a piece of the cursed mirror from the banished Evil Queen, and the stone of the Lava Mountain. Apparently, once you put all these items in the original throne room of Maeror in the Fountain of Youth, it will form the lamp. But we don't even know if the legend is true or these items even exist, I mean is the Cupid even real?"

King Cha replied, "Well, we have to try? Besides, we don't have an option but who will we send to get the items. I will send half of my kingdom's guards if the other kingdoms all do."

King Harold squinted his eyes and said, "Didn't you hear the prophecy? It said for the seven heirs of the four kingdoms to go. We have to send our heirs, Princess Lisa, Princess Nancy, Princess Jennie, Prince Jimin, Princess Chaeyoung, Prince Jungkook, and Princess Jisoo."

Queen Juliet took Princess Jisoo's hand as she said, "You think we're going to willingly send our daughters and sons to a battle with so many dangers. No!" King Cha tried to calm down his wife by rubbing her hand.

King Scio Manoban nodded as he said, "Yeah, I don't want to send my daughters either. It's too dangerous for them.

Queen Corinne Kim said sympathetically, "Believe me, I don't want to send Princess Jennie into danger too but you know what happened last time to our parents when we didn't follow the prophecy." The kings and queens looked at each other in a way, the kids couldn't decipher.

King Cha finally broke the silence and said gruffly, "Fine, I'll send my kids but you better stick to your word that we're in this together or else I'll bring your kingdoms into specks of dust." Queen Juliet looked at her husband in anger but didn't protest."

King Scio Manoban and Queen Helena Manoban seemed to come to an agreement and Queen Helene Manoban agreed, "We'll send Princess Nancy and Princess Lisa. But Princess Nancy has to stay inside unless everybody else goes out or she absolutely has to go out since she has no experience in martial arts." Lisa looked away from her mother and Nancy put her hand on hers comfortingly.

King Harold said, "Don't worry, I'm sending Prince Jimin and Princess Jennie as well. I have a ship that can fly ready as I planned to catch fire dragons later this year with my son but I guess we can use that for them. Oh and Princess Chaeyoung, your parents send word through letter they're fine with anything as long as well as you don't interact with people of Mortem which I think can be arranged."

Just then Prince Jungkook grinned, "So I guess your parents care for you a bit after all since they went through the effort to write to stay away from Mortem." His mother immediately pulled him back and scolded him in his ear but Jungkook was too busy taking joy from Chaeyoung's angered glare.

King Harold ignored Jungkook and said, "Well that settles it, you guys can each tell your guards to bring your kids' belongings and we can load it on the ship today. While we're waiting, the kids can all attend martial art classes and can stay overnight here. Then tomorrow morning they can leave. . You guys are welcome to stay here overnight as well."

Queen Juliet asked surprised, "They're leaving tomorrow? Why? We can't even say goodbye to our children even though this might be our last time, huh?"

King Harold said calmly, "I understand even I'm reluctant inside but anyday something might pass through the border and destroy this world before we even have a chance to defend ourselves, so yes, one day will have to suffice. Anyway, the plan is you guys should go to the Enchanted Lake, where there are tons are mermaids first. It's impossible there's not a single hundred year old pearl. Then go to the Cupid's Cove and try to find the Cupid and maybe try to get on his good side so you can get a piece of the arrow.  Then go to the Windy Mountains. At the east side, there is said to be fire dragons and on the west side, there is said to be ice dragons. Then go to Cloud Mountains which is nearby which is good, legends say pegasus still reside there so look closely. Then go to the cursed castle at the very border of the Enchanted Forest and Maeror, there might be broken pieces of the mirror there. Then, go to the lava mountain and get the stone. Then quickly go to the castle of Maeror and put the items in the fountain. Remember do it quickly and efficiently, we're leaving the world in your hands, don't fail us."

Jennie said, "Father, I think you forgot something. What about the two outsiders mentioned in the prophecy? The ones that are in jail right now?"

King Harold stroked his beard thoughtfully before saying, "Well of course they have to go with you guys. But guards get them out quickly and put them in a nice guest room with good food. We have to make them warm up to us since they're going with you guys. But lock them in the room until martial arts training and keep a close eye so they don't escape. Also what about the fake heroes?" The guards bowed and went to go get them.

Jennie replied, "I think the outsiders know who the fake heroes are, don't worry."

King Harold continued, "Ok, guards bring them here then instead so we know who the fake heroes are. Anyway kids, the plan is set, now all you have to do is actually do it. I have faith in you, you can do this."

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