The date ???

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OMG I woke up late I only have twenty mins to get ready damn

Ok first is makeup all I wear is mascara so that should be easy right wrong when you rush it gets everywhere ok ok the outfit

I put on my outfit with my boots my parents will be gone for a week so I ran down the stairs and grabbed some cash off of the counter that they left for me as I was grabbing it o heard the doorbell ring

JESUS I still needed to do my hair I ran and I swear I ripped half of my hair out I ran back down

"Hey Ben I said sweating after. Running up and down"
"Hey Alecia you ready to go "

Yeah yeah sure I could not take my eyes off of his gorgeous face "ok then let's go " we got in the car and  his friends were there they were a bout my age except for the driver I put on my seat belt and I could see him staring at me did I look bad or was he really into me I did not know

After ten mins of silence between me and Ben we got out of the car and we were seeing a new horror movie we got our seats and we went to the snack bar he asked if I want anything I was starving and Mean like I would eat anything but me being the dumbass I am trying to impress impress him I said "no thank you I already ate

I swear i wanted to punch myself I didn't want to hear my stomach gurgle in the middle of a two hour movie but moving aside of my food problems we made it just as the movie was starting I got to be honest this next part gets kind of crazy

Ok so we sat down and the movies was about at ten minutes AND he was still staring at me I didn't know what to do at that point I get like Bella at that point with Edward in chemistry I wanted to go tot he bathroom but I was afraid to move I just sat there in the middle of the movie I asked him if he was ok and he just straight up kissed me

He stopped and said the first day I layer eyes on you I knew I loved you I don't want a perfect girl because you are the perfect girl for me .

I almost cried
That was the first
And only time
A boy has said that

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