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Twenty-three years old

Hotel Staff member: Manages customer complaints and support

Part-time thief 

Ability: Freezing/slowing time


Simone is an average, good-looking male most identifiable by his hazel eyes and unruly brown hair. He has an attachment to hair dye, jewelry, and makeup which is in a constant state of change. However, his clothing is the one thing that never develops past the usual uniform required for work. Simone also tends to wear a pair of white, black, or medical grade gloves at all times.


Simone is just as charming on the inside as he appears on the outside, carrying himself with a strong sense of charisma and empathy towards others. Although he is very patient when working with clients and other staff, or even strangers, this is because he has the ability to slow or freeze time. This gives him time to come up with the perfect responses to any tricky situation, or do research on unknown topics during dates. He usually uses his ability to steal small trinkets and expensive items from his clients during consultations. Simone doesn't think much on his actions and believes that, if someone is especially rude, they deserve to lose their precious possessions. He has a bit of an inflated ego and enjoys whatever attention he can get, especially from those unwilling to give it. 


Identifies as pansexual


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